Based in the capital, Dakar, Andrew serves as SIM Senegal director and teaches English as an additional language to university students. Helen works as a GP in a Christian clinic. They are also involved in a local church, particularly preaching (Andrew) and teaching youth (Helen). Their sending church is St Luke’s, West Hampstead.
Please pray:
- for Andrew and Helen who are serving in a country which has a majority Muslim population, that their desire to share the gospel with those around them may be fruitful;
- for the local Churches in the area that Helen and Andrew serve which seek to live for Christ;
- that Andrew and Helen and their family may continue to walk closely with the Lord and recognize opportunities to share the gospel with those whose hearts the Lord has prepared;
- for many to hear about Christ and find life in His name;
- for the many health needs, that Helen can help those who suffer, and point them to Christ;
- for wisdom for Andrew as Director.