Clive and Cath Barker

Clive and Cath began their service in Pakistan in 1993 where they served in Bible teaching, women’s ministry, leadership and education until 2020 when they returned to the UK for family reasons.

Clive now serves as Regional Director for South Asia. He supports SIM Country Directors in the region and guides the respective boards. Regular visits to each of the countries are invaluable to supplement regular communication over the internet. He provides opportunities to collaborate across the region including a forum for country leaders and board chairs to relate with each other.

While they need to be based in the UK, Clive and Cath are looking for local ministry outlets which are compatible with their semi-itinerant lifestyle.

Please pray:

  • that Clive and Cath will know how to balance family needs in the UK with being available to support the work in South Asia and that they’ll know the Lord’s guidance for the longer-term;
  • that Clive will serve the South Asia Country Directors and boards well so the SIM teams and ministries can be effective in challenging times;
  • for opportunities to serve the Lord while they are based in the UK – preferably in South Asian communities.

Pray regularly for Clive and Cath Barker

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