Jim and Megan served abroad for many years but are now based in Scotland. Jim makes frequent trips back to Benin, where he is involved in training pastors, while Megan is Serving In Mission’s point person for education. She loves to meet with teachers to encourage them as they have such a key role in shaping the next generation and in making Christ known. She too makes frequent overseas trips where she is involved in training teachers.
Jim and Megan are sent and supported by Livingston Free Church.
Please pray:
- for safety in their travels to and from Benin;
- that they would be guided by God as to their future plans;
- that they both would have frequent opportunities to share the gospel through their work;
- for student pastors, that they will grow in their love for God and His Word;
- for Christian teachers worldwide that they will see themselves as ambassadors for Christ;
- thank God for the health and energy he gives Jim and Megan, and pray it will continue.