Lawrence and Elizabeth with Priscilla

Lawrence and Elizabeth serve at Harper Church, Glasgow, where their main focus is on sharing the love of Christ with the African diaspora, refugees, and asylum seekers in their community, who are predominantly Muslims and Muslim background believers. Lawrence and Elizabeth bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to these roles having served in the Muslim majority context of The Gambia for more than 20 years.

Please pray:

  • that the Lord would provide more opportunities to reach out to the African diaspora as Lawrence and Elizabeth seek to build relationships and lead people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ;
  • that their work among asylum seekers, refugees, Muslims and Muslim background believers would bring about transformed lives and communities in Glasgow;
  • that many lost souls in the wider Glasgow community will come to the saving knowledge of Christ as Lawrence and Elizabeth engage with them through various ministry strategies.

Pray regularly for Lawrence and Elizabeth with Priscilla

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