Lizzie White

Lizzie has been living in Abancay in the Peruvian Andes since 2014. She supports local churches with outreach in small mountain villages – providing simple water filters and giving training on water hygiene as well as associated Bible teaching about Living Water. She’s recently been focusing more on discipleship for teenagers who move from their village to work or study in the city.  She’s also the Personnel Coordinator for SIM Peru.

Please pray:

  • for Lizzie as she balances each of these roles;
  • that she would remain deeply rooted in God’s river of life;
  • for Lizzie as she develops new ministries, that God would give her the wisdom to know how best to plan projects that will help the community she serving in a sustainable way;
  • for the team working with Lizzie, that God would provide all that they need, practically and physically;
  • for Lizzie as she learns the local language, Quechua, settles into a church and experiences a new way of life.

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