Ruth Guinness

Ruth went to Malawi with Serving In Mission in 2000 and taught at the Evangelical Bible College of Malawi until the end of 2020.

Ruth continues to be based in Blantyre, Malawi, whilst serving in an international role within the mission as Ministry Point Person for Theological and Missiological Education. She also supports a small team of missionaries involved in theological education in Malawi.

Over 90% of pastors have had no formal theological training, and Ruth believes that theological and missiological education can bring transformation! In the Ministry Point Person role she learns about what is happening throughout the SIM world and has conversations stimulating the development of theological and missiological education. She also connects those working in this area, is involved in developing partnerships with others, and is available to consult and share information.

Ruth is supported by St Philip & St James Church, Walderslade; St Luke’s, Watford; St Matthew’s Worthing; and Lady St Mary, Wareham.

Read more about Ruth and her work: Sharing the story of God and his world

Please pray:

  • that theological and missiological education in SIM will lead to transformed lives in order to serve God’s church and mission;
  • for continuing to build a network within SIM which will bring encouragement and support to those working in theological and missiological education;
  • for wisdom as she comes alongside others.

Pray regularly for Ruth Guinness

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