Sam and Katie Knight

Both the children of mission parents, Sam and Katie previously served God in Africa and are now living in France, where they work alongside the SIM France-Belgium team to help and encourage more churches and individuals get involved in mission and share the good news in places where people are not going to hear it.

Sam is Head of Mobilisation for SIM France-Belgium, involved in leading a team of people involved in mission mobilisation across the region. Katie is involved in training mission workers and supporting mobilisation of workers into the harvest.

They are sent by several churches from the UK and one from France and have two sons and a daughter.

Read more about Sam: Sam passes on his passion for mission

Please pray:

  • for the building and strengthening the mobilisation team;
  • for the developing of resources and training for mission workers and churches wishing to be involved;
  • for French and Belgian churches to send more workers;
  • for their outreach into their local village community where very few know Christ.

Pray regularly for Sam and Katie Knight

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