From Glasgow to London, Engage welcomes gospel workers into the UK to bring the love and truth of Jesus Christ to their local communities.
With people right here in the UK in need of hearing the good news, our Engage programme enables workers from across the world to help evangelical churches connect with their multicultural and diverse neighbours.
Our Engage workers are experienced in sharing the gospel with multi-ethnic communities – like married couple Ram and Keshari, from South Asia, serving in Greater Manchester.
“Worshipping with the nations and studying the Bible with people from different cultures has been a taste of heaven for me,” shares Engage worker Mary.
Many of our mission workers, both Engage and further afield, use English classes as an opportunity to share the gospel. In Greater Manchester, Engage worker Ram teaches English through Bible stories. During a recent class, Sophie* came in suffering with pains in her arm and neck and was unable to move her arm.
When Ram asked to pray for her, she agreed – even after sharing that she didn’t believe in God, and claiming she was a ‘witch’. After sharing his faith, Ram began to pray for Sophie.
“I touched the hand and prayed, moving my hands from finger to shoulder, rebuking the spirit of pain to go away in the name of Jesus,” he says. “After I prayed, I asked her to move her hand, and she said: ‘Yes, I don’t have pain anymore.’ We praised the Lord.”
Not only was Ram able to show Sophie healing through faithful prayer (James 5:14-15), but it was also a wonderful opportunity to show the power of prayer to the other English class students. “While I was talking to her, all the students were watching very inquisitively,” he adds.
God’s not only been at work in English classes. Our Engage workers are seeing God move in the lives of people they meet in a range of ministries: from street evangelism to book shops and family fun days.
“SIM UK continues to see God work in remarkable ways at every level of the Engage programme, whether it be for a one-to-two-year placement for a single person, or a longer-term placement for a couple or family,” says Engage coordinator Tim Barrow.
Find out more about how God’s using our UK Engage programme at
Do you feel called to serve?
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