Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, we believe that he has called us to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where he is least known.
The task of taking Christ to the least reached continues to be a live issue for the church today. Our world may be changing, but the message of Jesus remains the same.
The sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection of Jesus is the message of salvation that we want to share with those who have never heard. It was this good news of a Messiah who could forgive sins that caused the church to spread rapidly in the early years and it’s this message of grace and hope that will see churches being planted and growing around the world amongst the least reached.
The context today

Population explosion and mission
In 2023, there were 134 million babies born globally, mostly in parts of the world where there is little or no Christian witness.
What hope do these children have of hearing about Jesus and experiencing his forgiveness to live in a relationship with him?

From anywhere to everywhere
Human migration is increasingly common. Just look at the UK, where almost 10 million people of our
65 million population, were born outside of the country.
We have a diverse society that can bring about challenges, but also creates a massive cross-cultural opportunity.
Not only does the church in the UK have the world on its doorstep, but the world is coming to the UK to help the church.

Church leaders need training
We usually take for granted the education opportunities in the UK. If we want to study a subject, we have thousands of courses, books, websites and media to train and equip us for ministry. But 95% of the 2.2million pastors globally, have no formal training for ministry.
We need the global church to be strong if we want it to reach every person with the good news of Jesus.
For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those
who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
1 Corinthians 4:14
Where we work
Serving In Mission has workers and ministries in more than 70 countries around the world including:
Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Central Asia, Chile, Côte d’Ivoire, East Asia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, France, Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Malaysia, Middle East, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, North Africa, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Uruguay, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

This map shows areas where SIM has connections. Some are sending countries, some are receiving, and the grey areas are regions where we want to support the church and help it grow. (North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia & South East Asia).
If you are interested in finding out more about the types of roles you can serve in, then please search our opportunities page.
We provide a vital service in a place where there’s no state provision for healthcare and can share the gospel as we treat people. The effect of all of us working together creates not a triumph of achievement, but a triumph that displays what God can do through his broken people.
Ted Watts – serving as a surgeon in Madagascar
Our Ministries
There are many different ministries with SIM around the world, These include: Medical Ministry, Evangelism, Bible Translation, Community Education, Sports Ministry, Creative Arts, Theological Education, Church Planting, Mission Through Business, Teaching & Education, Engineering & Technical, Communications & Media, Administration, Finance & HR, Children’s & Youth Ministry, Business as Mission and many more. Here are a few examples, or press the button below, to search for more.
Medical Ministry
We serve the community through excellence in medical care and teaching and reach the poor and marginalized with Christ-modelled compassion.
Community Development
Running a business employing local people allows believers natural opportunities to share the good news and disciple others.
Quechua Outreach Ministry
We want to empower churches so that people in rural areas of Peru can access God’s word.
Stories of God at work
We are encouraged each week by amazing stories of how God is transforming lives and communities as workers carry his love and grace into many places around the world as they reach the least reached. Read our latest stories, or sign up to our monthly Encounter email to be informed and updated.
Radio broadcasts continue to spread the good news; Fulani are coming to faith; and believers are finding new ways to be church!
Rachel – serving in West Africa
How can you get involved?
One of the greatest joys of following Jesus is the opportunity to serve God and play a part in spreading the gospel around the world and make disciples of all nations. Whether serving overseas, or encouraging the work from the UK, there are lots of ways you can be involved with Serving In Mission.
Encourage your church’s heart for mission
We find that people develop their heart for mission because of the culture and mission-minded nature of their church.
Whether that’s through Bible studies, praying for the world, or preaching and teaching on God’s heart for the lost, are there ways that we can support your church?
Support the sending of new workers
Can you donate to us as we recruit, train, support, and send new mission workers around the world and also receive people into the UK on our Engage programme?
Give to workers and projects
Can you support projects and mission workers around the world, so they’re not held back or limited by the lack of finances?
We have seen the generosity of people and churches over the past few years strengthen the global church and helping more people come into relationship with Jesus.
Pray, pray, pray
Can you pray with us? Everything we do at SIM is only possible by the power of prayer and each week, we give thanks as we see God at work in situations large and small, to create opportunities and open doors to the sharing of the gospel.
Whether it’s across the street or around the world, there are many different ways to serve with SIM.
Take a look at our range of opportunities to see if there’s a place that God can use your gifts and abilities.
Volunteer in the UK
We are forming groups of people around the UK with a passion for cross-cultural mission and who want to get others involved and support our workers. If you’d like to help with one of these groups, please get in contact.
God provided the opportunity for me to serve him as a midwife in a part of the world where women aren’t cherished liked they should be. I use my skills to build relationships and remind them of the outrageous love God has for them.
A worker in South East Asia
Our Engagement Team
If you want to find our more about how you can be more involved in the ministry of Serving In Mission, or would like us to come and speak at your church, we’re very happy to talk to you. Our UK Director Alex, Jonny (Head of Communications) and Hannah (Engagement Officer) are a few of the key people you can connect with.

