What do you do at SIM UK?
It’s my privilege to be SIM UK’s Prayer Coordinator. I first took on this role in May 2015, so that’s 10 years ago!
What does your job look like day-to-day?
Each day is different. As part of the communications team, I have various administrative responsibilities, but the part of my role I most love, is getting to read and pray through the letters sent by our mission workers each week.
It’s amazing to see God at work in some of the world’s least-reached communities and to play a part in that – from lamenting and longing for God to break down spiritual barriers, to rejoicing with the angels in heaven when someone we’ve been praying for embraces the gift of salvation!
What makes you passionate about working for SIM?
SIM’s motto is by prayer. I passionately believe in the power of prayer and the importance of prayer in the spiritual battle our mission workers face daily.
In 2019, SIM launched its Faithful Witness programme, focusing on taking the gospel to the least-reached parts of the globe and it’s been amazing to pray with these teams each month, and to see spiritual strongholds broken and gospel seeds planted.
There are still so many globally who’ve yet to hear the name of Jesus. I love being able to share even a small glimpse of what I read and learn with our faithful prayer supporters around the UK, hopefully encouraging them in their prayers and helping them to see all the Lord’s doing.
How have you seen God working through your job?
As a UK team we meet to pray every day. It’s immensely encouraging to pray with people all the way from when they first make contact with their Mobiliser and work through the discernment process; as they face the challenge of support-raising; as they see the Lord’s hand of provision and then, as they head out to wherever God’s called them.
We continue to pray with our workers through culture shock and language challenges and as the Lord walks with them each step of the way until they have the words to start basic conversations about Jesus with those around them. It’s an amazing privilege to journey with them and then see God at work in, and through them, as they serve, striving to make his name known.
In what ways do you continue your ministry in life outside of work?
We’re all called to make disciples of Jesus where he’s placed us. At the moment, I feel called to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the parents and grandparents in the school queue and in my relationships with my friends, who don’t yet know Jesus. There’s so much pain and heartache in many of their lives and I do my best to point their eyes to the one who can bring them true hope, peace, and joy.
How can we pray for you?
When I first took on the role of Prayer Coordinator, the current director prayed over me that I would be like Epaphras. Pray that I would be faithful in wrestling in prayer* for God’s people serving around the world and for all those who don’t yet know him globally, and on my doorstep.
Pray I’d be a faithful servant, walking closely with the Lord, constantly listening for his still small voice, prompting, guiding, and moulding.