Serving Him Magazine

Innovation Edition

As you read this edition of the magazine, we hope you’ll get a glimpse of how SIM workers are using innovative ways to share the gospel in a rapidly changing world. We can reach people through business and sports, who may otherwise never hear the good news; we can advocate for change and use technology to combat human trafficking; we can be open to new ministry opportunities that God creates from unexpected circumstances; and we can find ways to share his Word with oral learners.

Reaching Edition

This edition features powerful stories of cross-cultural workers to whom God’s given a heart to serve in ‘least-reached’ locations and to venture into new territories. There’s a glimpse of what God is doing through a family living among one of the largest unreached groups in Southeast Asia and an encouraging story about a TCK, who’s gone back to her roots to serve in the most atheistic country in South America. We also shine a spotlight on SIM’s innovative Faithful Witness and ENGAGE initiatives that are responding to our times and facilitating ministries where there’s no gospel witness, or where that witness needs strengthening.

Previous editions

2023 Autumn / Winter

2023 Spring / Summer