Give thanks with an occupational therapist serving in the Middle East. “Praise God for several new children who have been referred to me. As I meet these families and begin work with their children, pray the Lord will bless our time together and open doors for deeper conversation.”
‘By Prayer’
At SIM, our motto is ‘By Prayer.’ All we do is soaked in prayer: from the initial conversation that an enquirer has with one of our team of mobilisers, all the way through to their return and debrief. As a team, we walk alongside our workers in prayer, and we’d love you to join us in that.
Daily Prayers
We have fresh prayers every day to pray for what God is doing around the world. These can be prayer requests or points for thanksgiving and praise. The work of mission is fuelled by prayer and we would greatly appreciate if you could join our community of prayer. You can get these prayers in your inbox every week if you sign up at the link below for SIMpray.
Can you take time each day to pray for God’s work?
Pray with workers in West Africa
Thank you for your prayers for a family serving in West Africa, who write: “Language learning is going well and we enjoy the growing relationships with our nomadic brothers and sisters. Pray for discernment in how and when to start serving using our professional skills.”
Pray for team training
A team from Carrubbers Church, Edinburgh, is preparing for two weeks’ service in Ethiopia with a day of orientation today. Pray the Lord will use this short-term trip to show the team how he is at work around the globe and to challenge them as to the part they could play going forwards.
Pray for our workers
Serving In Mission UK has workers in almost 30 countries around the world, each sharing the gospel in different ways. Perhaps you know a few of them, or you want to find out more, but each has some information and some prayer points and you can sign up to get their prayer news too.
Caitlin Ng
Caitlin is serving in Ayutthaya, Thailand with a Faithful Witness team seeking to reach the least reached.
S and K
S and K serve in the Middle East.
Neil & Amy
Going to serve in South Asia.
Lord God, we pray for the billions of people who don’t know you as their saviour. We pray that today, many more come to faith through the work of your Spirit. Amen
How you can pray with us
Every day, hundreds of people use our prayer email to inform and educate their prayers.
Could you take a few minutes each day to pray for people around the world as they bring the message of Jesus?
Encounter News
Our monthly news email features stories of how God is at work around the world to help keep our prayer community connected to all the latest updates and news.
Serving Him
Our magazine takes a deeper look at the issues and stories at the heart of mission today.
We’d love to post you a copy twice a year to help you increase your heart for mission.
Join our community of prayer around the UK today
Our Prayer Team
One of the main focuses of our Communications Team is to help facilitate and encourage prayer. Linda is our Prayer Coordinator, Kerry is our Editor, and Hannah is our Engagement Officer. Please contact them if you would like to find out more about praying with Serving In Mission.