
Staff Spotlight – Mark Gibson

What do you do at SIM UK?

I am a Mobiliser and I have been part of the Mobilisation team for the past eight years.

What does your job look like day-to-day? 

A lot of my role is connected to people who want to work overseas: walking with them through the application process, finding them placements, making sure they’re doing well on the field as well as when they return back. Coming back brings its own challenges, so I try and make sure they have what they need by doing debriefs to help them readjust to life back in the UK.

I am also part of a team of people from different mission organisations that go into universities and speak to groups of students throughout the year. 

What makes you enthusiastic about your work?

Having gone overseas for 15 years out of conviction that it was where the Lord was leading us, then it becomes part of who you are and you recognise that the Gospel is not just for us – it’s for every person on the planet. Taking the transforming Gospel to the corners of the earth is so important and motivates me in all I do. 

How have you seen God working through your job?

It can be hard to define the fruits in ministry sometimes because we don’t always see how God moves, we just know that He does. Sometimes you see things lining up so well when people go and serve. Other times, it can be supporting people who have crashed and you’re helping build them up again so they continue to serve. Or, it’s answered prayer on numerous occasions.

How have you been involved in mission in the past? 

My family and I served overseas for 15 years, from 2000-2015 we worked in West Africa, first doing church planting among the Fulani people, then in the last 5 years we were involved in theological education, training Fulani-speaking Christians in Ministry.

How can we pray for you?

  • For wisdom – when people come to SIM exploring, it’s not only seeing if the Lord is leading them into mission, but finding the right placement for them.
  • Helping enquirers to discern whether this is where the Lord is leading them, and in what shape their ministry will take. 

This was posted on 25 September 2024 in Ministry stories.

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