Making disciples of Jesus in communities where he is least known
Will you join with Serving in Mission UK as we seek to reach the thousands of communities around the world who still need to hear of the transformational love of Jesus?
Billions of people, in the world’s least reached people groups, are living and dying without hearing the good news of Jesus.
Compelled by Christ’s love we join with churches to carry the hope of the gospel where he is least known.
Explore how you can play your part in God’s global mission.
How would you like to get involved?
Father, fill my heart with compassion for those who have never heard your name or experienced your love.
Opportunities to serve God
Serving In Mission UK sends mission workers around the world to work in multinational teams. There are hundreds of opportunities in more than 70 countries for you to use your gifts, skills and resources to serve.
You could be the person that a team has been praying for to come and help them further the advance of God’s kingdom.
Where could God be calling you?
Faithful Witness
Through Faithful Witness, SIM works with partner organisations and recruits from churches across the globe, to share the good news in difficult places and where there is little or no Christian witness.
Sports Friends
Sports Friends is a ministry which reaches out using the universal language of sport. It attracts young people and creates an environment for relationship building which leads to opportunities to share the love and word of God.
The Engage Programme
Working with a local church, we serve the community by sharing the gospel and offering hope and activities that empower individuals.
“I’m grateful that God opened up opportunities to listen to people and encourage them with God’s love. I’m grateful the Church was able to reach out with love and compassion.”
Stephanie Darling – Malawi
How you can pray
We have fresh prayers every day to pray for what God is doing around the world. These can be prayer requests or points for thanksgiving and praise. The work of mission is fuelled by prayer and we would greatly appreciate if you could join our community of prayer. You can get these prayers in your inbox every week if you sign up at the link below for SIMpray.
Can you take time each day to pray for God’s work?
Pray with a Bible translation team
Give thanks with a Bible translation team for good progress made on the Old Testament, with 15 books remaining. “Bible translation is long, slow, tough work. It’s a spiritual battle, and your prayers are vital. We’ve felt that battle in recent weeks, but it’s good to rejoice in all that’s been achieved and praise God for his faithfulness.”
Pray with the team in Mauritius
Pray for unity amongst the various church denominations in Mauritius and a common vision for those who still need to hear and respond to the good news.
Give thanks for seekers
Engage worker, Mary, serving in London, gives thanks for the large group of people attending a weekly International Café. Pray for the nine people, who’ve been coming to church as a result.
“Prayer is the only way any of us can be effective in this spiritual battle – and we’re so grateful for every time you mention us or the needs we share with you, to our heavenly Father.“
A SIM mission worker
Stories of God at work
“The longer you’re there, the more you see it: long-term plans that you look back on and say: ‘Wow! God’s amazing’.”
Paul and Hilary Gunning – Namibia
Serving In Mission is a community of people serving throughout the world. Supported by a staff team and trustees based around the UK, we share in the vision to see disciples in all communities.
Simon and Ally Harrison
Simon, a doctor, and Ally, a teacher, are serving in Ethiopia.
Ram and Keshari
Ram and Keshari serve in Rochdale among refugees, asylum seekers and South Asian people groups.
Donald and Becky Kamese, Ben, Elliot & Ethan
Donald and Becky serve with their family in central Mexico, helping train up local church planters to see lives changes and communities transformed by the gospel.
“The Church is by nature missionary, to the extent that if it ceases to be missionary, it has not just failed in one of its tasks, it has ceased to be the Church.”
Andrew Kirk
The centrality of the Church
We work hand-in-hand with evangelical churches, to send, support and receive gospel workers equipped to make disciples of Jesus, where people live and die without hearing the good news of Jesus.
More than 300 churches from the UK send workers overseas with us, and a growing number are now also receiving mission workers from overseas to help them reach out to their local communities.
If you are a church looking to send or receive mission workers, or you’d like access to training or resources, please do get in contact.