Here are all the ministries and opportunities on the site in South America.
Ministry Development Leader
Any duration considered
Work to provide leadership for the development of effective sports ministry programs within a country. Focus on vision casting, training, mobilization, effective disciple making and…
Organizational Leader
Any duration considered
Work closely with the Sports Friends Ministry Development Leader within the country with a primary focus on administration, management, finances, leadership development, partnership negotiation, communications,…
Coaches’ Trainer
Any duration considered
Work with a team to provide sports ministry training, coaching instruction, and sports ministry model development to support effective sports ministry programs in a given…
Health professional
Any duration considered
Working with local churches to provide healthcare and training in remote communities of the Apurimac or Cusco regions
Children’s Ministry Worker
Any duration considered
Develop new childrens’ ministry in Cotahuasi canyon
Church Planting Suppoort
Any duration considered
Help a Peruvian pastoral couple (to be identified) start a church in one of the unreached Arequipa coastal towns.
Men’s Prison worker
Any duration considered
Expand the existing women’s prison ministry to include ministry to English-speaking men, either prisoners or ex-offenders.
Up to 2 years
Sports Friends is offering internships for those who want to develop skills, passion, and understanding in cross-cultural global mission. The Internship is an opportunity to…
Church Team
Up to a month
We are open to receiving short-term teams to help deepen the impact of church-centered sports ministry. Teams may work alongside the SF ministry in a…
Financial management (Treasurer/Bookkeeper))
2 years plus
Administration as a support service for the team in Peru. The financial tasks include accounting, financial planning and controlling for the team and the projects…
Teachers for Diospi Suyana School
2 years plus
Colegio Diospi Suyana is a Christian school for children preschool through secondary. The school is attended by Peruvian children from various socio-economic backgrounds as well…
Assistant Director of Christian Education, Shalom School
2 years plus
Colegio Shalom is a Christian school started and operated by AIDIA (the Interdenominacional Association for the Holistic Development of the Apurimac). The goal of the…
Administration & Finance Coordinator
Any duration considered
Work with a team to provide assistance with ongoing activities of the ministry and financial recording. Individual will help other team members with general operating…
Regional Communications Coordinator
Any duration considered
Regional Communications Coordinators for South America. Candidates should be creative storytellers with a passion for communicating the stories of God’s grace and transforming power that…
Short-term Teams & Interns Coordinator
Any duration considered
Work with SIM and SF Mobilizers to facilitate placement of short-term teams and interns while also coordinating and establishing all necessary logistics (training, lodging, language…
Church Team
Up to a month
Minister to SIM Paraguay’s missionary team at our Spiritual Life Conference (currently taking place around January). This can include providing child-care, VBS activities for MKs,…
Church Team
Up to a month
Minister to SIM Paraguay’s missionary team at our annual Team Training (currently taking place in July). This can include providing child-care, VBS activities for MKs,…
Camp Programme Participant
Up to a month
Participate in an SIM youth, family, or leadership camp at Campamento Yvytyrysu. This would be in partnership with the camp planning committee to help with…
Encouragement and Prayer Team
Up to a month
The prayer team would come to Paraguay with the intent of intentionally encouraging, listening, and praying for the missionaries and ministries. Mission work is on…
Church Team
Up to a month
Teach about mobilising. In using materials like ‘Movilicemos’ and other materials.
English Teacher/Coordinator
Up to 2 years
1 Teach English as a second language to elementary or high school students in a Christian school setting. 2 With teachers, select curriculum and train…
Church Team
Up to a month
Share your experiences in mobilising. Help a mobiliser. Observe what he / she is doing.
Up to 2 years
Help a Christian school serving 80% non-Christian families maintain a Christ-centered focus through interaction with students, teachers, administrators, and parents/guardians. Could include school counseling and…
Church Team
Up to a month
Team of Deaf and/or hearing sign language speakers encourage and reach out to local Deaf people
App programmer or A/V tech
Discipleship & Church Development
Up to 2 years
Continue development and support of an Android App that links GGG’s A/V materials including the Guaraní Bible to more than 6,000,000 smartphones in Paraguay.
Church Team
Discipleship & Church Development
Up to a month
Church or School team to run English camp or club, could include tutoring, encouraging teachers, or service project.
Up to 2 years
“First Nations Ministry”: The person needs to be willing to learn to speak with citizens in the town; living with them (celebrating and suffering with…
Organizational Leader
Discipleship & Church Development
Any duration considered
Work closely with the Sports Friends Ministry Development Leader within the country with a primary focus on administration, management, finances, leadership development, partnership negotiation, communications,…
up to 6 months
Ministry to TCK’s in Paraguay: Involves encouraging and discipling MK’s in partnership with SIM missionaries. This could include helping with monthly children’s ministry; a wilderness…
Coaches Trainer
Any duration considered
Work with a team to provide sports ministry training, coaching instruction, and sports ministry model development to support effective sports ministry programs in a given…
Discipleship Intern
Discipleship & Church Development
Up to 6 months
What does it mean to serve and equip leaders in rural Paraguay? How does discipleship work and what are the barriers of culture, language, and…
Regional Coach Development Coordinator
Any duration considered
Work with a Sports Friends team/region to provide sports ministry and coaching instruction to equip local coaches in making disciples of Jesus Christ through sport…
Camp Ministry Development
Up to 6 months
The camp ministry development involves helping with work projects at our camp property. Campamento Yvytyrysu is our camp that serves to provide youth camps, family…
Volleyball Coaches Trainer
Any duration considered
Provide sports ministry training, coaching instruction, and sports ministry model development to support effective volleyball sports ministry programs in country and regionally. Focus on vision…
GuaranÃ, Paraguayan Sign, Spanish
Up to 6 months
Deaf ministry internship – hearing or Deaf individual interested in learning local sign language, working alongside a team in video Bible translation, and outreach/encouragement ministry
Regional Camp Development Coordinator
Any duration considered
Work with the Sports Friends Peru team and the SF International Camp Development Director to provide Camp ministry training for SF staff, denominational partners, churches…
Church Team
Discipleship & Church Development
Up to a month
Outreaches done in partnership with First Nations believers.
Church Leadership Developer
2 years plus
The regions of Caazapá and Guaíra have small congregations started by SIM workers in various stages of maturity. Some are young church plants, while others…
Camp Coordinator
2 years plus
The camp, Campamento Yvytyrusu, has been developed by SIM´s church leaders for churches and the broader Evangelical community in Paraguay. Lives are being changed at…
Sports Ministry Leader
2 years plus
Sports is an an under utilised ministry tool in rural Paraguay. This is a brand new ministry opportunity that has huge potential to serve and…
Mobiliser / Mobilizer
Any duration considered
Working alongside of churches, seminaries, and other groups to encourage individuals and especially church leaders to fulfill the Great Commission.
First Nations discipler
Any duration considered
Partner with leaders & believers in First Nations communities to build relationships, provide discipleship & orality training.
General Missionary
Any duration considered
Using one’s skills and passions to work alongside (in service to or teaching) the First Nation peoples.
Community Health developer
Any duration considered
Working with local believers and leaders to identify the community’s most pressing needs, and together, strategising of the ways the needs can be met in…
Sports Missionary
Any duration considered
Local church-centred sports ministries transforming lives and strengthening communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Training Coaches.
Any duration considered
Chauffeuring First Nation believers to communities they would otherwise be unable to reach. Equipping with source material.
Rural church planter
Discipleship & Church Development
2 years plus
Pioneer church planting, preferably using community services/development skills to build relationships in rural population centers. Whatever skills you already have, you are needed in rural…
Communications Coordinator
2 years plus
Serving in internal and external communication needs resulting in the mobilisation of prayer, resources, and people to participate in God’s call to reach those living…
Guest House and Facilities Manager
Any duration considered
Manage bookings and maintenance of the SIM Paraguay Guest House Facility that provides an affordable, clean and safe place to stay when in Asunción for…
Mobilizer, Mobiliser
Any duration considered
Receiving and accompanying believers called into cross-cultural ministry. Guiding future workers through the process, channeling them towards service on the particular field.
Administration and Finance Coordinator
Any duration considered
Admin and Finance to support cross-cultural workers send out from Ecuador. Fund raising, budgeting, insurance, channeling money to the field.
Personnel Coordinator
Any duration considered
Correspond with sending entities, Find placements for prospective missionaries, Correspond with appointees, Conduct orientation with new arrivals and oversee mentoring, Make sure missionaries are well…
Deputy Director
2 years plus
Work with the Country Director, in overseeing eight ministry areas; providing leadership and services to the members and teams; administrative work; making decisions in legal…
Ministry Development Leader
Any duration considered
Work to provide leadership for the development of effective sports ministry programs within a country. Focus on vision casting, training, mobilization, effective disciple making and…
Organizational Leader
Any duration considered
Work closely with the Sports Friends Ministry Development Leader within the country with a primary focus on administration, management, finances, leadership development, partnership negotiation, communications,…
Coaches Trainer
Any duration considered
Work with a team to provide sports ministry training, coaching instruction, and sports ministry model development to support effective sports ministry programs in a given…
Missionary with Palabras de Esperanza
2 years plus
There are many ways this position could look from, working within a church to teaching a theology class, to mentoring church leaders as they grow….
Facilitator trainer in Emotional Trauma Healing
2 years plus
Lead Trauma Healing courses, train Ecuadorians to lead courses, organize the local community of facilitators, encourage and give on-going training to local facilitators
Urban garden trainer / coordinator
2 years plus
Educating about urban gardens during personal visits in local homes and small group trainings. Connect with local churches to include them in follow-up and spiritual…
Educator in community health
2 years plus
Build relationships with local health authorities, serve rural communities to educate about health care, build relationships to gain openings for gospel conversations, support other missionaries…
Administrative assistant
Up to 2 years
Assist in administration of the 6 Compassion Ministry team strategies: includes organizing and communicating with local churches and volunteers; planning future events, making budgets, connecting…
Arts Coordinator
2 years plus
We are looking for people passionate for using arts as means to share the gospel and engage with young people.
English Club Missionary
2 years plus
We are looking for someone who is passionate about using the English language to connect with young people. They will help facilitate the English conversation…
Student worker
Any duration considered
We are looking for someone who is passionate about student ministry. This role includes discipleship of believing students as well as supporting them to do…
Media Lead
2 years plus
We are looking for someone to head up the media ministry for El Sendero. Someone who is passionate about using media as a form of…
Radio Announcer
Discipleship & Church Development
2 years plus
Assist program director with Biblically sound content creation for radio programs for the rural area and live and recorded production of that content.
Radio Technician
2 years plus
Involves repair of old or damaged equipment and installation of new equipment. Opportunities exist to participate in many other aspects of the radio ministry.
Radio Script Writer/ Worker
2 years plus
Create Biblically sound content for the rural area listeners, help with production of the content, work with a team. Opportunities exist to assist in many…
Manager / Coordinator for radio ministry
2 years plus
Coordinate all the various aspects of the radio ministry, from programing, technical, outreach, promotion, administration, fund raising, local involvement, connection with other ministries, etc.
Secondary School Teachers – all subjects
Any duration considered
Math and Science Teacher Language Arts and History Teacher Using American Home schooling curriculums Responsible for instruction of the subject material, providing term grades and…
Elementary / Primary Teacher
Discipleship & Church Development
Any duration considered
teaching all subjects for 3rd to 6th grade Using American Home schooling curriculums Responsible for instruction of the subject material, providing term grades and discipleship…
MK Care Team Lead
Any duration considered
Consultant for educational needs of families Communicate with parents about holistic needs of their children If needed, coordinate education provided by learning center in Loja…
Facilitator trainer in Biblical finances
2 years plus
Train Ecuadorians in Biblical finances whether in their personal finances, savings groups, small business ventures, employee jobs program, employer qualities, or business strategies in general.
Personnel Coordinator
Any duration considered
Oversee selection and placement of prospective missionaries. Cultivate communications with receiving entities and partnerships with local sending agencies. Ensure missionaries are well cared for.
Sports Coordinator
Compassion & Refugee Ministries
2 years plus
We are looking for who are passionate about sharing the gospel and discipling young people through the vehicle of sport.
Volunteer Coordinator
Any duration considered
Develop volunteer opportunities within SIM, develop relationships with local churches, recruit and provide member care for Chilean workers who work with SIM ministry initiatives
Any duration considered
There are opportunities for ministry to children, youth and adults. Someone with training in facilitating a Trauma Healing group would be a great fit for…
University Outreach Facilitator
Any duration considered
Initiate outreach to university students with no church background.
Facilitator trainer
Discipleship & Church Development
Any duration considered
Train the facilitators on how to use the SEAN materials, coordinate with pastors and leaders that use the SEAN materials. Provide orientation and capitation on…
Any duration considered
Work in a team to develop a strategy for helping churches develop a disciple making ethos in their congregation
People Care and Retreat Coordinator
Any duration considered
Coordinate and plan pastoral retreats, organize support networks, engage with denominational leaders, create opportunities for holistic care for pastors and their families
Ministry and Project Coordinator
Any duration considered
Mentor and train Ministry and Project Managers, Manage assessment process, Ensure project system compliance
Church Team
Up to a month
Help us organize and execute a Vacation Bible School for shoe shiner children
Disciple Making Coach
Discipleship & Church Development
Any duration considered
This position will work to develop a team of Bolivian coaches (soccer, basketball and/or volleyball) to maximize the use of their sport platform to disciple…
Up to 6 months
Persons interested in pastoral care of missionaries, counselors, social workers.
Up to 2 years
A 3 to 6-month internship from January to June of 2023 to work with software and/or architectual design and construction forming part of a vocational…
Church Team
Up to a month
Help us organize and execute a family camp for shoe shiners and their families in March, April or May of 2023
Church Planter
Any duration considered
This position would form part of a team to plant an urban church or network of home churches to serve and develop shoe-shiners and their…
Street Disciple Maker
Any duration considered
This position will require a presence on the streets of La Paz to evangelize and disciple shoe shiners where they are at. This includes dressing…
Disciple Making Business Person
Any duration considered
This position will focus on creating and running a for-profit business with the goal of providing alternative jobs for shoe shiners and their families emphasizing…
Sports Friends

Sports Friends is a ministry which reaches out using the universal language of sport, using opportunities to share the love and word of God.

We hope to see each community of Uruguay with Christ-centred churches growing and making disciples.
With the Quechua

We long to see more urban indigenous people in Bolivia come into relationship with Jesus Christ.
Oral Scripture training

The oral scripture use training project helps low literacy Quechua church leaders to learn the stories of the Bible sequentially in Quechua so they can teach the stories to others
Quechua Outreach Ministry

We want to empower churches so that people in rural areas of Peru can access God’s word.