Location: Bolivia

Here are all the ministries and opportunities on the site in Bolivia.

Church Team

World mapBolivia



Up to a month

Help us organize and execute a Vacation Bible School for shoe shiner children

Church Team

World mapBolivia



Up to a month

Help us organize and execute a family camp for shoe shiners and their families in March, April or May of 2023

Church Planter

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Any duration considered

This position would form part of a team to plant an urban church or network of home churches to serve and develop shoe-shiners and their…

Street Disciple Maker

World mapBolivia



Any duration considered

This position will require a presence on the streets of La Paz to evangelize and disciple shoe shiners where they are at. This includes dressing…

Disciple Making Business Person

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Any duration considered

This position will focus on creating and running a for-profit business with the goal of providing alternative jobs for shoe shiners and their families emphasizing…

Disciple Making Coach

World mapBolivia



Any duration considered

This position will work to develop a team of Bolivian coaches (soccer, basketball and/or volleyball) to maximize the use of their sport platform to disciple…


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Up to 6 months

Persons interested in pastoral care of missionaries, counselors, social workers.


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Up to 2 years

A 3 to 6-month internship from January to June of 2023 to work with software and/or architectual design and construction forming part of a vocational…

With the Quechua


We long to see more urban indigenous people in Bolivia come into relationship with Jesus Christ.

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