Location: Southern Africa

Here are all the ministries and opportunities on the site in Southern Africa.

Home School Educator

World mapZambia


Any duration considered

The educator would be responsible for supervising, educating and supporting students to help them accomplish learning benchmarks. Their duties include planning lessons that target specific…

Personnel Coordinator

World mapZimbabwe


Any duration considered

Someone to lead our personnel team providing support for new and current SIM members and associates.


World mapZambia


Up to 6 months

Opportunities for medical, physio, nursing students.

Health coordinator

World mapZimbabwe


Any duration considered

Someone to provide guidnace and help in all aspects of Healthcare for SIm Zimbabwe


World mapZambia


Up to 6 months

Opportunity to be a Chaplain intern.


World mapZambia


Up to 6 months

An opportunity for student teachers to fulfill classroom placement requirements for their training. They would be able to receive in class experience in a rural,…

Church Team

World mapZambia


Up to a month

Teams to come alongside and help with medical specialties like anesthesia, surgical, plastics. Suitable for students accompanied by licensed professional.

Personnel Coordinator

World mapZambia


Any duration considered

Resource our ministries with the right people; those who have the passion, calling, skills, behaviour and attitudes, to achieve the goal of fulfilling SIM’s purpose…


World mapZambia



2 years plus

Provide Spiritual guidance and teaching to girls attending the Christian boarding school. Grades 8-12

University Outreach

World mapZimbabwe


Any duration considered

Join a time of people reaching out to University and College students

Civil Engineer

World mapZimbabwe


Any duration considered

Someone to rebuild churches and bridges after cyclones and other natural disasters.

Children and youth Workers

World mapZimbabwe


Any duration considered

People with the gifts to work and childrena nd youth are needed across Zimbabwe.

Missions Mobiliser

World mapZimbabwe


Any duration considered

Smeone to help encourage the church to reach out to its neighbours.

Assistant Chaplain

World mapZambia


Any duration considered

Working with the missionary chaplain to plan and facilitate spiritual life activities in girls boarding school


World mapZimbabwe


Any duration considered

Lecturiers are required for a number of positions inclucidng OT, NT, Systematic Theology, Hebrew, Greek, ethics and Computing

Bible Teacher/Lecturer

World mapZambia


Any duration considered

Working alongside existing faculty to provide theological training for students.


World mapZimbabwe


Any duration considered

Two librarians are needed for Bible colleges in Zimbabwe


World mapZambia


Any duration considered

To ensure faithful stewardship of the library resources; to support teaching, learning and research to a standard of excellence that glorifies God.

Other Faithsic studies lecturer

World mapZimbabwe


Any duration considered

Semone to teach about teh Other Faithsic faith and develop startgeis for reaching them.

Classroom Assistant

World mapZambia


Any duration considered

Working with the classroom teacher in daily teaching activities; providing individual assistance with children as needed.

IT Coordinator

World mapZimbabwe


Any duration considered

Someone to help maintain and upgrade teh IT systems within SIM Zimbabwe

Administrative Assistant

World mapZambia


Any duration considered

Ensure the daily activities of the school office are managed efficiently. This may include purchasing supplies, book keeping, clerical duties.

Communications Officer

World mapZimbabwe


Any duration considered

Someone to lead and develop Communications strategies for SIM Zimbabwe.

General Surgeon

World mapZambia


Any duration considered

To oversee and provide inpatient and outpatient surgical services.


World mapZambia


Any duration considered

To provide pre, post, and intra-operative anaesthesia support to all ages of patients for major or minor surgical assistance.

Hospital Expansion Supervisor

World mapZambia


Any duration considered

The hospital Expansion Supervisor will be responsible for overseeing the expansion of the current wards in the hospital, the building of new wars and the…

Youth Worker

World mapZambia


Any duration considered

Working alongside local staff to provide ministry programing, discipleship, mentoring, sports, skills training.

Discipler and Bible Trainer

World mapSouthern Africa


2 years plus

This person will build relationships within the community, assist with community development, evangelism and discipleship toward church-planting. They would also be involved in training local…

Evangelism internship

World mapSouth Africa


Any duration considered

Short term opportunity to gain experience from an accomplished evangelist reaching out to the Other Faith communities in Port Elizabeth.

Outreach and Discipleship Leader

World mapSouth Africa


Any duration considered

To engage at 4 different levels: 1. Team Leader for the outreach 2. Follow up with the ladies who decide to exit and need support….


World mapSouth Africa


Any duration considered

Recruit, share, equip…

Theological training

World mapSouth Africa


Any duration considered



World mapSouth Africa


Up to 2 years

Short term opportunity to gain experience from an accomplished evangelist reaching out to the Other Faith communities in Port Elizabeth. This could be an opportunity…

Cross Cultural Worker

World mapSouth Africa


Any duration considered

Children’s worker

World mapSouth Africa


Any duration considered

Helping to establish a children’s ministry at a local church

Church Planter

World mapSouth Africa


Any duration considered

Someone who can befriend and reach the East Asian in Africa, through traditional church planting or missional business.

T4T Organiser

World mapSouth AfricaWest Africa


Any duration considered


Ministry to Women

World mapSouth Africa


Any duration considered

Womens ministry specifically aimed at providing the Christian from a Other Faith background (CMBs) with convert care, community and discipleship.

Lecturer in Missiology

World mapSouth Africa


Any duration considered

Position at GWC for part time lecturing in Missiology and Other Faith Outreach.

Children’s worker

World mapSouth Africa


Any duration considered

Placed with an NGO, to work with children.

Church Team

World mapNamibia


Up to a month

Organize and run a short-term mission opportunity for local believers

Youth Ministry Trainer

World mapNamibia


Up to 2 years

This person will work together with local churches to train their youth workers. This could include informal meetings, workshops, seminars, or conferences. It may also…

Short Term Coordinator

World mapNamibia


2 years plus

The coordinator will work with the admin side of getting STAs to Namibia: answering requests, finding placements, helping get visas,etc. The practical side includes mentoring…

Communications Coordinator

World mapNamibia


Any duration considered

This person will help communicate and promote SIM Namibia locally and internationally through print, video and online media. They will help document our ministries and…

University Lecturer

World mapNamibia


Up to 2 years

Lecturers in various fields to teach in secular universities and be a Christian example and influence on campus

Campus Minister

World mapNamibia


Up to 2 years

This person will do outreach and discipleship among university students, as well as assisting/organizing various campus ministries.

Mission Mobilizer

World mapNamibia


Up to 2 years

This person will help inspire and equip local churches to mission. The can coordinate training for sending local missionaries, and potentially teach missions related courses…

Mission Trip Coordinator

World mapNamibia


Up to 2 years

This person will help organize and run practical mission opportunities locally (and hopefully grow into regionally/globally). The will mentor and disciple trip participants in spiritual…

Youth/Children’s Ministry Internship

World mapNamibia


Up to 2 years

We have various internship opportunities for cross-cultural youth/children workers to be involved in local ministries, including remedial school teaching, Bible clubs, local church involvement and…

Campus Ministry Internship

World mapNamibia


Up to 2 years

This person will do outreach and discipleship among university students, likely partnering with local campus ministries.


World mapMozambique


Any duration considered


Children’s Ministry Church Team

World mapNamibia


Up to a month

Church teams to organize and run youth/children’s camps, holiday clubs, vacation bible schools, and the like. Could have local workers join the team as well.


World mapNamibia


Any duration considered

This is a lecturing position at Namibia Evangelical Theological Bible College (NETS). NETS offers courses for Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors, and Honours programs. There are approximately…

Children’s Ministry Trainer

World mapNamibia


Any duration considered

This opportunity involves networking with local churches to train their leaders in how to work with children.

Event Organizer

World mapNamibia


Any duration considered

Organize Pastor’s Book Set conferences; Ongoing networking with local church pastors

School Teacher

World mapNamibia


Up to 2 years

Teaching in public or private schools; using opportunities to evangelize and disciple students.

Community Development Worker

World mapNamibia



Any duration considered

Helping people develop sustainable income for their families through skill development or small business opportunities; helping develop health and dignity within communities; relational evangelism and…

Youth Ministry Trainer

World mapNamibia


2 years plus

This opportunity is a duplicate and was moved under “Training Church Leaders”

Office Manager

World mapNamibia


Up to 2 years

This person will assist with office admin and basic bookkeeping.

STA Co-ordinator

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#7577 To grow the short term associate program and mentor and invest in associates who come from 6mths – 2 years

Communications Co-ordinator

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#8086 To co-ordinate the communication of ministries of SIM Malawi to the wider Christian community for information, for prayer and support raising

dental surgeon

World mapMadagascar


Any duration considered

to work as clinical dentist in SALFA run health system. developing the services across a number of clinics and hospitals

Regional Youth ministry co-ordinator

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

Come and work alongside the Africa Evangelical Church Youth dept in developing youth ministries at regional and national level

team leader

World mapMadagascar


Any duration considered

to lead short term relief team to help work with churches to rebuild

Medical Wokers

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#8164 / 8995 / 7669 / 8292 / 8817 Medical personnel of different specialisations to provide medical care in a medical centre, and disciple local…

build team members

World mapMadagascar


Any duration considered

work with local church and clinics to reconstruct buildings destroyed in Timothy project and further south in MEIM church southern area

Chiense Diaspora Outreach

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#8890 – Do you yearn to share the Gospel with people who have still never heard of Jesus’ amazing grace? We are looking for missionaries…


World mapMadagascar


Up to 2 years

agricultural extension work in areas of need

East Asian Diaspora Outreach

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#8890 – Do you yearn to share the Gospel with people who have still never heard of Jesus’ amazing grace? We are looking for missionaries…

Church Team

World mapMadagascar


Up to a month

assisting Malagasy churches to rebuild structures following the cyclones

Pioneer Church Planter

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#8458 To plant engage in evangelism to start fellowship groups and to plant churches among the rural Yao people, a largely unreached people group with…


World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Up to 2 years

MO#9156 Develop your skills passion and understanding for gospel work in a cross-cultural context through an internship placement with Sports Friends Malawi. Reach out to…

Church Team

World mapMadagascar


Up to a month

emergency response to medical disaster- nurse/doctor teams delivering health care

Church Planting Support

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#8459 Supporting front-line rural church planters


World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Up to 2 years

MO#7703 Mission Internship – join the SIM Malawi office team and get involved in a wide range of cross-cultural opportunities to help define your future…


World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#9438 Mobilise Malawians to respond to the call of God on their hearts to reach out in mission beyond their own community


World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Up to 2 years

MO#8699 Construction carpentry maintenance skills are always needed on the mission field. Work alongside local tradespeople and help disciple them as you work together.

Sending Administrator

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#9438 Along with mobilising, establish sending function processes

Church Team

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Up to a month

MO#7683 Help run sports camps for Malawian youth, providing Biblical teaching and discipleship training together with Sports coaching/training (football/netball)

Regional Coordinator

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#8731 Develop Sports Ministry among youth in Central & Northern regions of Malawi

Church Team

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Up to a month

This team would be involved in conducting childrens ministry seminars and childrens outreach and discipleship programs, such as vacation Bible clubs, in the context of…

Football or Netball Skills Coach

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#8936 Grow and develop both the sports skills (football and/or netball) and disciplemaking skills of our local sports co-ordinators and coaches

Church Team

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Up to a month

MO#7624 Provide a childrens and youth program for our Spiritual Life conference to really invest in the MKs and allow their parents to benefit from…

South Asian Diaspora Outreach

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#8887 Reach out through friendship evangelism and disciplemaking to the South Asian community in Malawi. Many are from a Gujarathi background, but also from many…

Church Team

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Up to a month

MO#7683 Youth Ministry Outreach – help run seminars, camps, evangelism, sports youth programs and other activities to share the gospel with Malawian youth

Childrens Ministry Worker

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#8729 Come alongside the Malawian churches to help train and equip childrens ministry workers for the church and develop programs and resources to be used…

Bible Teacher/Lecturer

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#7411 Teaching certificate, diploma and/or possibly degree level programs at a Bible College

Church Growth, Discipleship & Leadership Development

World mapEast AfricaMalawi


Any duration considered

MO#7277 /7279 / 8338 Work alongside the church in ministries of discipleship and leadership development to provide strong foundations for the church to grow spiritually,…

Agriculture Specialist

World mapMadagascar


Any duration considered


Community Health Outreach Worker

World mapMadagascar


Any duration considered


Bible Teacher/Lecturer

World mapMadagascar


Any duration considered

Teaching at the rural Bible School

Evangelist and Bible Teacher

World mapMadagascar


Any duration considered


Vocational Teacher

World mapMadagascar


Any duration considered


Discipleship & Mentoring

World mapBotswana


Any duration considered


Childrens Ministry Worker

World mapBotswana


Any duration considered


Team Leader

World mapBotswana


Any duration considered

Leads the team in a strategic way following country and SIM’s overall vision

Personnel Coordinator

World mapBotswana


Any duration considered


Evangelist and Bible Teacher

World mapBotswana


Any duration considered

Reaches out to a population where Christ isn’t known

Translation consultant, trainer, IT/social media support, administrator

World mapBotswana


Any duration considered

formal and oral bible translation and production of media


World mapBotswana


Any duration considered


Church Planter, Church Leadership Developer

World mapBotswana


Any duration considered



World mapBotswana


Any duration considered

Teaching and mentoring of young pastors and potential church leaders

Consultant Theologian

World mapBotswana


Any duration considered

Intercultural Business Development Consultant

World mapBotswana


Any duration considered



World mapBotswana


Any duration considered

Co-ordinate team members and their respective tasks Provide spiritual encouragement and focus Be the main contact person for the ministry


World mapBotswana


Any duration considered

Undertake ongoing in-field research (whether formal or informal) and analyse relevant literature both cultural and biblical.

Evangelist and Bible Teacher

World mapBotswana


Any duration considered


Discipleship & Mentoring

World mapBotswana


Any duration considered


Evangelist and Bible Teacher

World mapBotswana


Any duration considered


Homeschool Helper

World mapAngola


Up to 2 years

Main responsibility will be to the De Souza family, who have 4 kids doing home school, ranging from ages 9-16

Community health worker

World mapAngola


2 years plus

A person (or persons) needed to travel within one days drive to surrounding villages to teach basic concepts of health, using the opportunity to spread…

IT Systems Administrator / Mentor

World mapAngola



2 years plus

Manage and develop the back-end infrastructure for CEML including networking, servers, databases, IT security. Mentor Angolans into the role.

CEML Hospital General Maintenance Mentor

World mapAngola



2 years plus

Guide Angolan staff in maintaining and developing hospital infrastructure including land & buildings, fittings & fixtures, water, waste water, electrical including backup systems, mechanical, biomedical.


World mapAngola



Up to 6 months

The focus would be capacity building, for the continuing education and professional growth in excellent dental practices of our two dentists who have secondary level…

Sports ministry

World mapAngola


Up to 2 years

Coaching youth soccer while discipling players in an unreached rural area just outside the city of Lubango

Community Health Medical Practitioner

World mapAngola


, ,

Up to 6 months

To serve at the rural Cavango Health Centre consulting with and treating incoming patients autonomously under direction of permanent medical staff.

Faculty member of ISTEL

World mapAngola


Any duration considered

Faculty are needed to help establish a faculty team for the modular program at ISTEL that has centers in Luanda, Huambo/Kuito, Bié, and Lubango with…


World mapAngola


Up to 2 years

A person is needed to be a full-time maintenance person. This person will repair and maintain generators, vehicles, and other motorized machinery around the Clinic…

Theological education and rural development


SIM Madagascar sees, by faith, the communities around Mandritsara and Manhatsara reached with the healing love of Jesus Christ through compassionate healthcare, quality education, theological…

Training Christian Leaders

Equipping Christian leaders in Namibia with the knowledge, skills and character to help them share the gospel and grow in spiritual maturity.

Theological Education / Discipleship of Church Leaders

INTEL Bible school

We hope to see a group of believers present in all areas of the north of Mozambique. We are supporting the growing church in building a culture of discipleship.

Theology and Resources

This ministry equips church leaders to teach and explain the Bible accurately and confidently.

Outreach Ministry

Children's work

By faith we see every Zimbabwean with the opportunity to hear of Jesus Christ, believers discipled to a fuller understanding of their faith and Christ’s compassionate love expressed and shared with the hurting and suffering.

Evangelism through Community Development

SIM hospital work

Running a business employing local people allows believers natural opportunities to share the good news and disciple others. One business with potential is the manufacture and sale of solar water heaters.

Medical Ministry


We serve the community through excellence in medical care and teaching and reach the poor and marginalized with Christ-modelled compassion.

More opportunities More ministries