Victor and Rachel Fredlund

Victor and Rachel are long-term mission workers in South Africa working with the Africa Evangelical Church. Victor was a doctor at the Mseleni hospital for 40 years, while Rachel ran an orphan care project (Lulisandla Kumntwana) and a children’s home.

Sent and supported by Trinity Road Chapel, Tooting, the couple are now sharing the gospel in a very remote part of the country. Rachel is supporting the new director of Mseleni Care and Compassion ministries and is presently finance manager. Together with Victor, she is seeking to raise healthcare and compassion professionals into mission from the South African churches amongst whom they have worked. Victor is also involved in a project called ‘Ngithume Nkosi’ (Send Me Lord)  that mentors local leaders and provides leadership to the SIM work in Mauritius, Madagascar and Botswana.

Please pray:

  • that Victor and Rachel would rely on God as they continue with their work;
  • for the children to understand they have an eternal Father who loves them;
  • for an increasing mission vision in the churches of South Africa and the sending of professionals to share the love of Christ in word and deed.

Pray regularly for Victor and Rachel Fredlund

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