

Here are the latest news updates from SIM UK. We also produce a bi-annual magazine called "Serving Him" and a weekly prayer email to help you stay in touch.

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From broken to beautiful

25 July 2024

A SIM worker discovers how the power of the gospel to heal and restore is like the ancient Japanese art of repairing broken pottery.

Read more about From broken to beautiful

Introducing our new country director, Alex Hawke

16 July 2024

New SIM UK Director Alex Hawke shares about his background, faith and what he is looking forward to in his new role.

Read more about Introducing our new country director, Alex Hawke

When God makes plans

10 July 2024

A gospel-hearted couple praise God for leading them to set up home in a country where most people have never met a follower of Jesus. 

Read more about When God makes plans

The gospel moves at the speed of relationships

25 June 2024

Connections made through English conversation classes and summer camps are having an impact in a broken community in Thailand.

Read more about The gospel moves at the speed of relationships

Why Uruguay needs the hope of Jesus

6 June 2024

SIM is committed to seeing South America’s most secular country reached for Christ.

Read more about Why Uruguay needs the hope of Jesus

Bolstering Bolivian believers

4 June 2024

Read how Jonny and Olga are serving and equipping the church in Bolivia.

Read more about Bolstering Bolivian believers

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