
Beirut explosion: Pray with us

The massive explosion at Beirut’s port on August 4 has brought fresh devastation to the people of Lebanon. The blast left an estimated 4,000 wounded, more than 200 dead, and caused extensive damage to the heart of the city, with currently, as many as 300,000 people homeless, at least temporarily.

The deadly explosion in Beirut destroyed the city’s port and nearby areas

With the country already gripped by economic, financial and political crises, exacerbated by COVID-19, this latest tragedy could not have come at a worse time.

Following nearly a week of public demonstrations, Lebanon’s entire government resigned on August 10.

Yet in the face of this tragic, uncertain and dangerous context, the characteristic Lebanese resilience and community spirit has been evident, with many joining the massive clean-up operation and providing what support they can to the desperate and hurting.

Lebanese churches, including SIM’s ministry partners, are playing a vital part by holding out the love and hope of Jesus Christ as they respond to the overwhelming practical needs in their wider communities and in their own church families. Beyond the huge repair needs of broken buildings, shattered lives need rebuilding – on the rock of Christ.

Please pray

• For the Lord to bring healing, mercy and restoration to the country of Lebanon.

• For the bereaved, injured, traumatised and homeless. Pray that their practical needs will be met and that they will find comfort, healing and hope in Christ.

• For the healthcare sector, which is already under immense strain because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and all others involved in ongoing rescue and clean-up operations.

• For the economic provision as livelihoods have been shattered – the port was crucial for the already battered economy, leading to new fears of food and medicine shortages.

• For a political reform process that will restore confidence and stability, establish accountable and transparent governance for the benefit of the peoples of Lebanon, and promote reconciliation, justice and peace.

• For the church as it reaches out with Christ’s compassion and hope – that it would speak differently, not along sectarian lines nor appealing to revenge, but holding out the Word of Life.


Our ministry partners have significant financial support needs to help make a practical difference to those in Beirut, as well as bringing Christ’s light in the face of destruction and despair. Find out how to give financial help here.

This was posted on 13 August 2020 in Ministry stories.
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