Germany is one of the most popular destinations for international students and more than 300,000 students come from all over the world to study there.
“SIM supports the international student ministry of the local IFES movement with a small team of staff workers working in different German university cities,” explains worker Elizabeth*. “We do this by encouraging, training and connecting student volunteers.”
However, while international study can provide fantastic opportunities and an incredible adventure, it’s not an easy thing to do and many international students feel isolated and have difficulties integrating into their new culture.
“They are smart and ambitious, but need a lot of support to settle down and complete their studies,” adds Elizabeth
SIM’s Engaging the University ministry was created to respond to the amazing opportunity we have amongst international students from hard-to-reach contexts, who are open to the gospel.

SIM workers use their gifts to reach out in love to cross cultural barriers and make international students feel at home. And as inquisitive students learn a new language and get to know new ideas, this also leads them to question their values and belief systems.
“We read the Bible with students in the local campus groups; give some orientation in the study system and offer hospitality and friendship,” explains Elizabeth.
“Amidst this, we long to build up strong relationships with local churches to create more stability and continuity. We’d love people to join us in this ministry by their prayers, finances, or by simply inviting an international student into their home.
“You can’t imagine how much of Jesus’ love you can pass on by giving it a try.”
Please pray
- For the SIM Germany international student ministry team as it partners with local churches.
- For SIM workers across the globe, who are sharing God’s love with students like Mehmet, who come from countries closed to the gospel.
- Give thanks for the partnership between IFES (the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students) and SIM.