
Our workers join Pakistan flood relief response

SIM workers have been helping out with food and medical relief in the flood-hit Sindh province of Pakistan.

SIM workers joined the flood relief response

Our workers arrived there to find water covering many of the fields and people very concerned about the impact on this year’s harvest. The floods have not only destroyed homes, but have also severely damaged crops and many people will struggle to buy food as inflation is certain to increase.

At one local village, they set up a medical camp with a team that included two doctors, two nurses, a public health nurse and leaders from SIM.

They conducted an examination clinic, before handing out medicines where needed. They also distributed flour and cooking oil to those who needed it most, under the direction of the village leader.

The SIM team then visited a second village, where the brick-built houses had survived the flooding, but the stables for animals, built of mud bricks, were severely damaged.

Once again, the team handed out food supplies and as they did so, lots of the village children gathered around. That ​​​​​​​prompted the team to lead a short Sunday School for the children – a beautiful time of fellowship and learning in the midst of hardship.

There is still a huge amount of work to be done to help people in this region, especially as many of the international relief agencies are starting to leave. Our workers will continue helping with immediate food relief as people get back on their feet and as the waters subside, help more communities build simple, solid, elevated houses that can withstand future rain and flooding.

SIM’s responses to the earthquake in 2005 and the floods in 2010 enabled us to bring hope, help and good news to many communities.  People with gifts in administration, relief, construction and public health spent a few months equipping and encouraging Pakistani Christians as they reached out to communities around them. 

SIM Pakistan has set up a disaster relief fund: £26 will feed a family for a month, while £80 will provide temporary accommodation for three families.

Click here to donate and please mark your donation as Pakistan Emergency Relief Fund(98170).

Pray for

  • The churches in Pakistan as they respond to flooding that has devastated much of the country.
  • The love of Christ would shine through acts of practical service.
  • The Lord would raise up people willing to serve for a few months with expertise in administration, relief, construction, or public health.

This was posted on 10 October 2022 in Ministry stories.

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