Among the many ethnic groups in Liberia, there are people who live in areas so remote that they have never had someone tell them about Jesus Christ. When the Evangelical Church of Liberia (ECOL) carried out a medical outreach in one such village, the team and supplies had to be flown in by helicopter because the area is surrounded by rivers with no bridges. Some walked for hours to reach the clinic, and local people heard that these people came in the name of Jesus. Elders from one town asked ECOL to please send mission workers to tell them more…

SIM International’s Prayer Guide is a fantastic tool to help us intercede for those living outside a saving relationship with Jesus, many of whom have never heard his name, like this excerpt from Liberia above, shows.
It’s always a joy to read the ways in which the Lord works through the prayers of his people and to join with voices around the world in petition for those who don’t yet know him.
By Prayer is SIM’s motto because prayer is our first response and God is the one we depend on in mission. It is truly by prayer that we praise God; seek his direction; request resources, and stay connected to the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live as the Lord desires and accomplish the work he’s placed in our hands.
Physical and spiritual barriers are broken down by answered prayer and despite a global pandemic, God never stopped opening doors to communities previously closed to the gospel message:-
- One refugee, imprisoned for a short period during lockdown in Europe, requested Bibles in several languages as he shared his faith with inmates.
- Practical services offered during lockdown turned hearts towards Christ and more young people are now wanting to join Sports Friends teams.
- 40 UK churches – eager to learn more about reaching the nations on their doorstep – took part in SIM UK’s intercultural training and welcomed mission workers to serve alongside them.
And we are seeing more people looking to serve in some of the hardest locations around the word, including this Faithful Witness worker, serving an Islamic community.

“I have been given a name meaning Princess of Light,” she reveals. “I like the name in particular, because when I asked, ‘Why that name?’ they explained, ‘You will be like a light that shines in the darkness here’.
“I was amazed! I am here for that very reason – to be a light to those living in darkness. This is my prayer, that many in this community will encounter the True Light.”
By Linda Hunt, SIM UK’s Prayer Coordinator
Order your 2023 Prayer Guide for despatch in January