

The Coronavirus outbreak has been designated within SIM as an International Crisis. All SIM workers have regularly received updates from the International Crisis Response team, in addition to the advice and FAQs provided by the SIM UK office.

Our teams on the ground, people’s sending churches and us here in SIM UK are in contact with all of our people to make joint decisions about the best course of action for them. Meanwhile we join in prayer with churches around the world for God to work through this situation and show His saving love to the nations.  

David Silver ([email protected]) is the point person for SIM UK. Do feel free to direct queries to him, or to your Mobiliser. We are working hard to all stay on the same page in this rapidly evolving situation.
Our phone number (01449 766 464) remains the same, despite staff working from home as the lines are redirected. 

COVID-19 was added to the list of infectious diseases within the NHS (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations in January, which means there will be no charge made to any overseas visitor for any diagnostic testing for the coronavirus, and no charge for any treatment if the result is positive.

Our workers

Some of our workers have chosen to stay where they are, especially those working in medical ministries. Many of our workers have returned – some unwillingly – and face difficult transitions into UK lockdown life. Please continue to pray for all of them in their different situations.

In our regular internal emails, we have been offering counselling and resources. This is a tough time and we are supporting our workers and their families.

Can I help?

We are urgently raising funds for our COVID-19 Immediate Response, which will supply our medical ministries (in 21 countries) with much-needed equipment like PPE and oxygen generators, as well as helping cover staff wages for overtime.

You can read more about the COVID-19 project fund here.

Thank you for your support.

Some of the workers at Diospi Suyana hospital in Peru
Some of the workers at Diospi Suyana hospital in Peru

Doing business God’s way

Read stories about our workers using business in mission.