
New academy opens

With more than seven million refugees in Europe, the HowWillTheyHear (HWTH) project has a passion to give people the skills they need to share the gospel with refugees living in their communities.

Despite the pandemic and Covid restrictions, HWTH launched a mission school in February for Muslim background believers (MBB).

HWTH wants to see more workers trained to be able to reach the refugees living among them and The Mission and Leadership Academy is aimed at three main groups:

New believers, those who want to get involved in missions among refugees and those already serving refugees.

When it opened, more than 80 registered Arabic and Farsi (Iranian background believers) students from eight European countries signed up and more joined in week two, including four men crowded around a single mobile phone in a refugee camp on the Greek island of Samos.

“The Mission Academy takes you on a journey to learn and gain new spiritual experiences and skills in the field of mission work, within the European context,” explains SIM UK mission worker and Arab speaker Peter Samir (right) who serves with the HWTH project and presents the training programme.

“Today is a real opportunity to discover who is the true God in the frame of freedom of worship and freedom of religious belief in Europe. There is a great general calling for Arab believers to share their faith and bear witness to God’s work for Arabs in Europe,” he adds.

Although all the weekly studies are online, students are also able to meet locally in person, to reflect on the main study themes of the four-month course:

  • Biblical dimensions of missionary work.
  • Cultural and anthropological dimensions in European society.
  • Challenges of the Christian faith in front of atheism and eastern religions.
  • Tentmaking and the financial independence of the missionary.

“With great feedback from the students, we pray they will know their calling and discover what the next step is for their lives,” says Peter.

Contact [email protected] to see how HWTH can help your church raise leaders among new MBB believers.

Please pray

For the pastors, leaders and teachers at the academy and those who are mentoring and supporting students in prayer.

For each student to use their training to reach more refugees and make more disciples by God’s grace and power.

The new potential mission workers will be a valuable resource to our local ministry partners seeking people to join them.

This was posted on 24 April 2021 in Ministry stories and Training and equipping.
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