Praying every day for this work will make a big difference! Here’s how you could pray in the next few days.
Pray with Bev in Ghana
Bev, in Ghana, writes, “Praise God for the opportunity to build relationships with my neighbours by doing maths tutoring with the children. Pray for continued physical strength and opportunities to show the love of Christ.”
Give thanks for God’s Word
Debbie S, part of the Tsimihety Bible translation team in Madagascar, writes, “What a thrill to see the joy on people’s faces as they read the pages of the gospel, realising that it was in the language which they understand completely. Give thanks for the wonderful privilege of giving them the Gospel of Luke in the language closest to their hearts.”
Pray with a Faithful Witness team
Pray for a family juggling education and hospitality responsibilities as they serve with the Faithful Witness team in Nigeria. “We live in a hot, dry and large city on the edge of the Sahara; a city where most of the inhabitants follow the majority religion, and where the gospel is desperately needed.”
Pray with a Faithful Witness team
Give thanks with one of our Faithful Witness teams that, in a spiritually dark place, people are open to prayer. As people are prayed for in Jesus name, pray the Holy Spirit will be at work softening people’s hearts to his saving grace.
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