
SIMpray Kids fun facts – Pakistan

Pakistan is one of God’s masterpieces – hot arid desert areas contrast with snow peaked mountainous regions.

The Thar Desert
The Thar Desert. Photo by by Daniel Mennerich.

There are five deserts in Pakistan. One, the Thar desert is often called ‘The Friendly Desert’ as it is not too hot, accessible and colourful.

K2. Photo by Sjorford.

Pakistan is home to the world’s second largest mountain, K2, beaten only by mount Everest which can be found on the north-western border.

Cricket in Pakistan
Photo by Phill Marshall, SIM

Lots of people in Pakistan love sport! Pakistan produces the most footballs in the world, and while it is commonly believed that the national sport is cricket, it is in fact hockey.

Male and female
People. Photo by Tim Mossholder

As well as sitting separately in church, when you visit someone’s house in Pakistan, men and women sit in separate rooms. Children can access both rooms.

Chai tea
Chai tea. Photo by Ben Cumming.

Eating together and drinking chai is a big part of Pakistani life. This month, every time you sit down to eat with your family, try and remember to pray for Pakistan and the team sharing health education and Bible stories in villages where few have heard of Jesus.

At church in Pakistan, our TCKs said that they “sometimes hand out brown and white sweets, which are spongey and some are sweet and others are spicy.” Click here for a recipe. You may recognise the gulab jamun from the 2019 Junior Bake Off.

This page was created as part of our SIMpray Kids monthly prayer email. If you would like to pray regularly with our mission families serving around the world, please click here.