God loves to listen to his children and answer our prayers, although not always in the ways that we might think, ask or imagine.
Here are some of the ways that God has answered your prayers over the last year:
Bible School | Bible translation | Medical | Refugees | Relocation | UK ministry
Bible translation
In January, we prayed that the Monkolé people of Benin would read the Bible and that God would speak to them through it.
As well as the physical Bibles, a digital version of the Monkolé Bible has been available since April. Praise God that in the first two months 5,000 chapters were read online.
We prayed for opportunities for Hilary to get involved in online Bible translation checking.
Already this year, thanks to zoom, Hilary, based in France has worked with translation teams in Niger and Zambia.
We prayed with lots of families as they settled into new environments, at school and made new friends.
In February we prayed with Charis and Lois in Greece. They have made friends at their new school, though they don’t enjoy all their lessons yet…let’s keep praying for that!
Ben and Elliot in Mexico have settled well into school, making friends, and their Spanish is improving.
Lois and Luke are enjoying school in Madagascar, despite the language and cultural differences.
In July we prayed for three families preparing to go.
Praise God that the Harrison family have arrived safely in Ethiopia and the Thompson family in Thailand. The Wallis family hope to leave for Nigeria at the end of the year.
Bible students
In March, we prayed for the work of Benjamin and Elliott’s parents in Mexico at Predica Vida Bible school.
Lots of students have said that the course they are studying has changed the way they read and teach the Bible. Pray for them as they take the story of Jesus to remote Latin American communities.
UK ministry
In April we prayed with Priscilla for the work of her parents in Glasgow.
God has blessed her parents with encouraging conversations with people who don’t yet know Jesus. Some have come to church to find out more, others are asking lots of questions.
Medical ministry
In June and November, we prayed with families serving at the Good News Hospital in Madagascar.
God continues to provide people to serve on this team which at one point was very small and struggling. There are five people currently preparing to go.
Please do pray for a much needed home school teacher. The current teacher finishes in October.
Refugee ministry
We prayed with families that refugees would hear about Jesus and come to faith.
In July some of our workers ran a summer programme at an education centre in the Middle East for the children of refugee families. Each day they heard stories about Jesus, did activities and went on trips together.
There are three people working with the SIM UK team who want to share the story of Jesus with refugees in Europe.
Praise God that he hears and answers our prayers!
Let’s thank God together for all the families that are serving overseas at the moment. Pray for each one that they will have opportunities to share the love of God with someone new today.