Those of you who have been praying with us from the beginning have now been praying around the world for a year! Are you excited to see what God has been doing through your prayers for our mission families serving communities that have very little knowledge of Jesus?
God listens to and answers each one of our prayers, even though it’s not always in the way we hope for or expect.
As you’ve been praying with our mission families over the last year, God has listened and answered in the following ways:
More people from the UK have joined teams serving communities around the globe that have little access to the story of Jesus.
People who are not Christians have asked questions about the Christian faith and requested Bibles.
A class has graduated from language school ready to share Jesus with people whose first language is Arabic.
Families have been able to return to the UK for times of rest and relaxation passing through all Covid restrictions without a problem.
God has provided
- teachers for children whose school had closed.
- new homes to help families settle into the communities they serve.
- new opportunities to serve people who aren’t Christians and naturally talk about Jesus through them.
- new friendships for our TCKs and their families.
These are just some of the answers to what you’ve prayed about that we know. However, sadly, the security situations in some of the countries that you’ve prayed for have worsened and it is now harder for people to share the story of Jesus and there are more barriers to people coming to know Jesus.
Thank you for joining us on this journey of prayer. Thank God for these awesome answers, and please do keep praying for our TCKs and their families to have opportunities to share Jesus with the people they meet.
Don’t forget to tell your friends about SIMpray Kids. They can sign up here.