
Ukraine Bible school reopens

A major Bible school has reopened in Ukraine, even as fighting continues in the country.

Leadership and faculty staff at Odesa Theological Seminary, which is a close partner of SIM, have decided to start the new academic year as usual, despite the ongoing conflict with Russia. Only five months ago, their city was under hostile missile attack.

Courses will be running on campus, online, and also at extension sites in some of the areas where students live.

A spokesperson for the college says: “Last week, we had the first campus session for the students of the Bachelor of Pastoral Ministry programme. It was a time not just of learning, but of great fellowship for both students and faculty.

Learning at Odesa Theological College.
Photo by Odesa Theological College

“The usual routine — lectures, breaks, homework, student fellowship — which we used to take for granted, feels like something special and even therapeutic this year! The students left for their churches refreshed and encouraged.”

The college, which has more than 2,000 graduates, was founded in 1989 and runs courses in Pastoral Ministry, Leadership of Christian Education, Biblical Preaching and Biblical Studies.

As well as training gospel ministers, the school is also seeking to live it out. Anticipating a difficult winter, and irregularities in gas and electricity supplies owing to the war, they are considering opening dormitories for people who have lost their homes.

While all acknowledge the instability and potential danger, students and staff ​​​​​​​say they are grateful to God for the opportunity to continue training and being equipped to share the gospel.

By Chris Moss, SIM International

Please pray

• For the establishment of a just and stable peace in Ukraine.

• For the safety of students and faculty, their families, and for all Ukrainians.

•  For wisdom in preparing for the coming winter.

This was posted on 5 October 2022 in Ministry stories.
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