

Ministries requiring this skill

Faithful Witness – Global Project

Through Faithful Witness, SIM works with partner organisations and recruits from churches across the globe, to share the good news in difficult places and where there is little or no Christian witness.

  • Over 2 years
  • Skills needed: Arts, Children's and youth ministry, Communications and Media, Community education, Engineering and technical, Medical, Teaching
Find out more about Faithful Witness – Global Project

Faithful Witness – Thailand

A team of workers are sharing the gospel in the city of Ayutthaya in Thailand

  • Over 2 years
  • Skills needed: Administration, Arts, Children's and youth ministry, Communications and Media, Community education, Teaching
Ayutthaya, ThailandFind out more about Faithful Witness – Thailand

Partnering with a UK church

Working with a local church, we serve the community by sharing the gospel and offering hope and activities that empower individuals.

  • Skills needed: Arts, Bible teaching and theology, Children's and youth ministry, Community education, Teaching
Find out more about Partnering with a UK church

Refugee and migrant ministry

#HowWillTheyHear mobilises Christians and churches to share the gospel with migrants and refugees across the UK, Europe & the Middle East. It was set up...

  • Skills needed: Arts, Children's and youth ministry, Communications and Media, Community education, Engineering and technical, Medical, Teaching
Refugee ministryFind out more about Refugee and migrant ministry