
18 more and counting!

SIM UK workers – part of the global SIM family with over 4,000 people serving worldwide.

Despite fear, restrictions, and difficulty surrounding travel over the past 18 months, God is still stirring up his people to cross borders to share his good news with those who living in spiritual deserts.

“It’s amazing that we have the most people applying to serve long term that I can remember,” says Deborah Agnes, SIM UK’s Personnel Director.

“Eighteen new workers joined our summer orientation. They will be serving on four different continents with their families. At the same time, we’re helping seven mission workers from south Asia, East and West Africa and Columbia settle into the UK,” she adds.

Teams serving in secure locations that normally struggle to recruit workers are also reporting an increase in enquiries. Faithful Witness teams serving in locations where previously people have not heard the name of Jesus are being welcomed, and people are turning to Christ.

We praise God for these answers to prayer, but recognise there is a spiritual battle being fought. Please do pray:

  • That people may see and know Christ as they look at the lives of our workers and hear the good news they have to share.
  • For protection and boldness for each new believer in communities normally opposed to the gospel message, and for roots planted deep in Christ to grow and be strengthened in him.
  • For each multicultural team, sharing the good news of Jesus, to have unity in shared vision and gospel values.

We covet your prayers too that the Lord of the harvest would continue to mobilise his people as despite these encouragements, there are still entire communities that have never heard the name of Christ. The need is great, and the workers are few.

If you would like to pray regularly for the work that God is doing through his people serving around the globe, please sign up to receive our weekly email with prayer requests from SIM UK workers, as well as mission-focused articles and regularly updated prayer resources.

By Linda Hunt

This was posted on 10 August 2021 in UK Churches.
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