
Tag: Cross-cultural ministry

Here are all the news posts tagged "Cross-cultural ministry":

When God makes plans

10 July 2024

A gospel-hearted couple praise God for leading them to set up home in a country where most people have never met a follower of Jesus. 

Read more about When God makes plans

Behind closed doors

2 January 2024

Sarah Allen is reaching out to the hidden and forgotten in one of the poorest countries in South America.

Read more about Behind closed doors

A first in Rochdale!

28 November 2023

A multi-lingual Christian bookshop is ‘a first’ in one of the most diverse towns in the north of England.

Read more about A first in Rochdale!

Three projects get one home

6 November 2023

In 2019, SIM launched a building project to help create disciples in a country where Christians are in the minority. Give thanks that it’s now come to fruition.

Read more about Three projects get one home

Faithful in waiting, worship and witness

3 October 2023

Since 1893, faithful witnesses have followed God’s leading to make Jesus known in least-reached communities.

Read more about Faithful in waiting, worship and witness

Together in translation

20 June 2023

Lives are changed when people are able to access the Bible in a language and format they clearly understand, says SIM UK worker Debbie Simpson.

Read more about Together in translation

Sewing seeds of hope

17 May 2023

SIM worker Sarah is combining her creative sewing skills and therapy training to help people living in the Cape Town townships recover from trauma and discover hope in the gospel.

Read more about Sewing seeds of hope

Wow, what a visit!

10 May 2023

A SIM UK worker shares her inspiring story of showing Christ’s love in the Middle East.

Read more about Wow, what a visit!

Napkin notes sketch route to Central Asia

28 March 2023

A quickly scribbled diagram on a napkin is a precious souvenir for a couple on the pathway to mission work in Central Asia.

Read more about Napkin notes sketch route to Central Asia

Luis lets his light shine

13 March 2023

God has given us the powerful tool of sports to share his love with young people all around the world, offering them a hope found only in Jesus Christ.

Read more about Luis lets his light shine

A hub of hope in Dhaka

15 February 2023

Read how a young mother’s life was transformed through a SIM programme for vulnerable women living on the streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Read more about A hub of hope in Dhaka

‘Finishing’ well

17 January 2023

Retired couple Stephen and Heather show how you’re never too old to be involved in missions…

Read more about ‘Finishing’ well

Choir hits all the right notes

3 January 2023

A key achievement of cross-cultural worker Lawrence Jah’s ministry with a Glasgow church is helping to launch its first African choir.

Read more about Choir hits all the right notes

The Macs’ Greek odyssey

12 December 2022

Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to share the hope of Christ for one family serving in Greece.

Read more about The Macs’ Greek odyssey

‘We’re just an ordinary family’

22 November 2022

Meet the Harrison family, who moved from their settled life in the UK, to a new exciting, but challenging, one on the mission field in Ethiopia.

Read more about ‘We’re just an ordinary family’

The healing power of art

9 August 2022

“It was here in a watercolour class that God used colour and line — and women who didn’t even know him — to heal my heart.”

Read more about The healing power of art

Doing business God’s way

2 August 2022

Business is another tool in SIM’s toolbox to reach places where Christ is least known…

Read more about Doing business God’s way

‘God shows no partiality’

20 May 2022

Intercultural churches are not a blueprint, they’re an outcome of living out Jesus’ teaching, says Steve Smith UK Director

Read more about ‘God shows no partiality’

A gospel soap story

11 March 2022

ENGAGE worker Lawrence, from The Gambia, is learning new ways to serve cross-culturally in Glasgow – including how to do the washing-up!

Read more about A gospel soap story

‘Inspiring things are happening’

9 February 2022

SIM worker Mary Haile isn’t returning to her home in Ethiopia just yet – God hasn’t finished using her ministry at a central London church for amazing stories of restoration and reconciliation.

Read more about ‘Inspiring things are happening’

Memories of Christmas where it all began

16 November 2021

As Advent approaches, SIM UK worker Kate shares some Christmas memories of her ministry in regions where Christ was born and the church was founded.

Read more about Memories of Christmas where it all began

Faithful in study, fluent in hope

4 November 2021

Sometimes the language learning phase for mission workers can seem like a detour. But language coach Candace, who serves our Faithful Witness teams, sees it as a ministry in and of itself.

Read more about Faithful in study, fluent in hope

18 more and counting!

10 August 2021

The pandemic is not thwarting God’s plans for global mission, says Linda Hunt, Prayer Coordinator for SIM UK.

Read more about 18 more and counting!

Where is Christ least known?

15 July 2021

Where are the communities where Jesus is ‘least known’? asks SIM UK Director Steve Smith.

Read more about Where is Christ least known?

A divine appointment

1 July 2021

Covid could not thwart God’s plan to bring Ram Strestha and his wife Keshari, from South Asia, to serve in the UK.

Read more about A divine appointment

A match made in heaven

15 April 2021

Veronica and Samson will soon join a Faithful Witness team in Thailand, but their story of faith and of marriage began in an astonishing way.

Read more about A match made in heaven

‘A young and vibrant couple’

23 February 2021

Today, there are no known believers in the Kayes region of Mali, which is predominantly inhabited by Hassaniya herdsmen. Living in this remote region on…

Read more about ‘A young and vibrant couple’

From so-and-so to somebody

8 January 2021

Find out about the exciting work the Lord is doing through SIM’s Faithful Witness initiative among the Fulani in northern Nigeria.

Read more about From so-and-so to somebody

Shared blessings – multicultural ministry in London

17 November 2020

Mary joins our ENGAGE programme, designed to help UK churches share the gospel with cross-cultural communities on their doorstep.

Read more about Shared blessings – multicultural ministry in London

How the gospel lens can fix our ‘cultural blindness’

26 August 2020

Real inclusiveness means more than just being welcoming and friendly. It requires significant investment, personal sacrifice, and courageous leadership.

Read more about How the gospel lens can fix our ‘cultural blindness’

A tale of two cities

26 August 2020

Mapping intercultural ministry in the UK ‘Just because we live in a place, doesn’t mean we always know what’s going on,’ admitted one church leader…

Intercultural Read more about A tale of two cities

Anthropology, evangelism and me

13 August 2020

‘As a Christian studying for a degree in Social Anthropology, I spent a lot of time feeling nervous whenever Christianity came up in class. Within…

Read more about Anthropology, evangelism and me

Ministry in lockdown

28 July 2020

Like many SIM workers, Sherilyn and Deane Grainger had to suspend their usual ministry – working amongst refugees and migrants in Palermo, Sicily – because…

Read more about Ministry in lockdown

In the business of saving souls

3 July 2020

“As in most relationships here, it doesn’t take long for religion to come up in workplace conversations,” explains Barry*, a businessman who is sharing the…

Read more about In the business of saving souls

Is coronavirus an opportunity to see faith in Christ at work?

19 May 2020

What should we make of the coronavirus pandemic?

Read more about Is coronavirus an opportunity to see faith in Christ at work?

Cross-cultural mission since 1893

3 May 2020

In 1893, three young men who founded SIM set out for the interior of the Sudan in west Africa, compelled to see souls saved for eternity. The next seven years…

Young men in South Sudan Read more about Cross-cultural mission since 1893

From Nairobi to Niddrie – serving in Scotland

15 June 2018

Our first Kenyan mission worker to Scotland describes her journey to ministry and her work with Niddrie Community Church.

Read more about From Nairobi to Niddrie – serving in Scotland

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