Tag: Faithful Witness

Here are all the news posts tagged "Faithful Witness":

From foe to follower

A story of repentance and baptism in Central Asia… 

Hang up your capes: Jesus is the real hero

Are we putting mission workers on a pedestal? Mission work isn’t unattainable – find out how all followers can be faithful witnesses.

Mummy and me

Had there been no Faithful Witness team in place, a mother and daughter in Thailand might never have met a faithful witness for Christ.

Wow, what a visit!

A SIM UK worker shares her inspiring story of showing Christ’s love in the Middle East.

A labour of love for Jesus

Even though it requires dedication, determination and patience, Caitlin is learning Thai so she can tell others about Jesus.

Unlikely friends bring Nadeem to Christ

Nadeem* is the second-known believer among his people after his life-changing encounter with SIM’s Faithful Witness workers.

A dream is born

The Lord is opening doors for sub-Saharan Africans to live and serve in North Africa.

‘No regrets’ says mum on a mission

Meet a mother and mission worker serving in West Africa, who shares the highs and lows of giving birth to her second child far away from the comforts of home.

18 more and counting!

The pandemic is not thwarting God’s plans for global mission, says Linda Hunt, Prayer Coordinator for SIM UK.

Voice of hope among the Hassaniya

The stirring story of a family living among the Hassaniya-speaking Moors in Mali, west Africa, as part of a new Faithful Witness team.

‘A young and vibrant couple’

Today, there are no known believers in the Kayes region of Mali, which is predominantly inhabited by Hassaniya herdsmen. Living in this remote region on…

Faithful in study, fluent in hope

Sometimes the language learning phase for mission workers can seem like a detour. But language coach Candace, who serves our Faithful Witness teams, sees it as a ministry in and of itself.

Teamwork in Thailand

Two SIM ministries are partnering to bring hope and restoration to the people of Chiang Mai and Ayutthaya, Thailand.

From so-and-so to somebody

Find out about the exciting work the Lord is doing through SIM’s Faithful Witness initiative among the Fulani in northern Nigeria.

Running water today, living water tomorrow

Read how God is using water pumps as tools to open people’s hearts to the gospel.

A heart for mission to ‘forgotten’ communities

Read why growing up in a community that had never heard the gospel gives SIM International Director Joshua Bogunjoko a heart for our pioneering Faithful Witness scheme.

Unity and diversity

Siegfried Ngubane, SIM’s Regional Director for Southern Africa, says the gospel is not confined to any single nation or tongue.

A match made in heaven

Veronica and Samson will soon join a Faithful Witness team in Thailand, but their story of faith and of marriage began in an astonishing way.

You will be my witnesses

Read about SIM’s Faithful Witness initiative to share the gospel with people who have never heard of Jesus Christ.

‘Chad is not an easy location’

With its diverse population of hundreds of ethnic groups speaking 120 languages and dialects, it’s no surprise that Chad is sometimes called the “Babel Tower…

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