
Shaping the future…

One sure way to bring mission workers back home early is a lack of good educational options for their children and with the recent closure of the country’s only international Christian school, SIM Pakistan’s director says some mission partners are considering leaving if no solutions can be found.

“When I was a mobiliser in the SIM UK office, we were shown statistics of the places that have the most SIM mission workers. The personnel director pointed out that the one thing they all had in common was good provision for education of mission workers’ children.”

SIM’s Pakistan international team represents nine different countries and includes five families – with five more expected in the next two years. Most of the children are currently pre-school or primary age.

But the closure of Murree Christian School after 65 years has raised concerns about the future schooling of many missionary kids (MKs).

“Some families are having to relocate,” says the director. “Our deputy director and his family are moving, which is a huge loss to us. Others who had hoped to stay in Pakistan for A-levels are now having to look at studying in passport countries and some parents are considering moving their families home if no solutions can be found.

“We want to help our families stay serving in Pakistan and for their children to get a good education.”

The SIM team now plans to create an educational hub, using a combination of online and face-to-face instruction. The hub will have a classroom, a well-stocked library and outdoor space for play and learning, with accommodation for teachers and families onsite or nearby.

“We are developing a flexible MK education model where kids live with their parents and come together once a month for several days of a lessons and activities,” explains the director.

“Our vision is to have a small study centre where children spend a week learning together, then spend the other three weeks learning back at home, boosted by online tuition and visits by a mobile tutor, who would travel to the different families to provide support and encouragement.”

“Our prayer is that our new format will enable families to serve in smaller, interior town and village communities where gospel needs are greatest,” says the director.

If you think you could educate children in Pakistan and equip families to stay where he has called them, please contact the SIM Pakistan director by emailing [email protected]

By Kerry Allan

Please pray

  • The Lord will raise up an education coordinator and teacher-tutor to help parents continue in ministry and their children in learning.
  • For SIM workers in interior parts of Pakistan to keep sharing the gospel with love and boldness.
  • For MKs and their parents to trust God as he works out his purposes for their future schooling.

This was posted on 29 July 2020 in Education and Ministry stories.
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