Here are all the news posts tagged "Next-generation":
A generation ready for mission
13 May 2021
In her role as Innovation Manager for SIM UK, Chloe Blainey says there are many exciting and creative possibilities of how the good news can be shared by the ‘next generation’ of mission workers
The bigger picture
4 May 2021
Over the past five years, SIM UK has seen how God has enabled us to fulfil our vision to work with churches to send and…
Anthropology, evangelism and me
13 August 2020
‘As a Christian studying for a degree in Social Anthropology, I spent a lot of time feeling nervous whenever Christianity came up in class. Within…
The power of a child’s prayer
12 August 2020
In the Bible, Josiah was made king at the age of eight and his faith in the Lord had a transformative influence on the nation…
Shaping the future…
29 July 2020
The importance of education options to mission families cannot be understated.
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