Tag: UK church

Here are all the news posts tagged "UK church":

Sharing the good news, one doorstep at a time

In the heart of London, Engage worker Mary is bringing the hope of the gospel to the streets of Islington through her work with Inspire St James Cclerkenwell.

The gospel that saves also sends

Read why it’s a blessing for a local church to be part of God’s global mission.

‘God shows no partiality’

Intercultural churches are not a blueprint, they’re an outcome of living out Jesus’ teaching, says Steve Smith UK Director

‘Inspiring things are happening’

SIM worker Mary Haile isn’t returning to her home in Ethiopia just yet – God hasn’t finished using her ministry at a central London church for amazing stories of restoration and reconciliation.

Shared blessings – multicultural ministry in London

Mary joins our ENGAGE programme, designed to help UK churches share the gospel with cross-cultural communities on their doorstep.

Art with a gospel impact

Loving your neighbour is one way to fulfil the Great Commission, but sometimes this involves stepping outside your comfort zone, says Justin Agnes, who served…

A tale of two cities


Mapping intercultural ministry in the UK ‘Just because we live in a place, doesn’t mean we always know what’s going on,’ admitted one church leader…

You’ve got mail

Paula Beaton’s God-given gifts to provide administrative support within Serving In Mission are put to good use to encourage others during COVID-19.

Loving your neighbour in lockdown

A pastor shares how his church joined forces with a charity to help those in need during COVID-19.

From Nairobi to Niddrie – serving in Scotland

Our first Kenyan mission worker to Scotland describes her journey to ministry and her work with Niddrie Community Church.

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