Here are all the news posts tagged "Families":
Teaching the love of Jesus
SIM UK partners with TnT to develop seminal Sunday school materials in Arabic.
A generation ready for mission
In her role as Innovation Manager for SIM UK, Chloe Blainey says there are many exciting and creative possibilities of how the good news can be shared by the ‘next generation’ of mission workers
Raising a family on the mission field
On any given weekend, *Rachel and Joshua take their sons to the desert and visit archaeological ruins where the children can run around and dig…
Neither here nor there
Read a Q&A with Cheryl Gibson, SIM UK’s Third Culture Kid Coordinator.
The power of a child’s prayer
In the Bible, Josiah was made king at the age of eight and his faith in the Lord had a transformative influence on the nation…
‘Chad is not an easy location’
With its diverse population of hundreds of ethnic groups speaking 120 languages and dialects, it’s no surprise that Chad is sometimes called the “Babel Tower…
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