
Julie Campbell

Julie is part of our Mission Personnel team, as our Mobilisation Support. She works closely with Mobilisers Beth, June and Mark.

Dan Howlett

Dan is SIM UK’s Finance Officer, who works closely with the Head of Finance Tim Walters and the rest of the finance team.

Neil & Amy

Going to serve in South Asia.

James and Anna Hunter

James and Anna Hunter, along with their children Max and Phoebe, are planning to relocate to Liberia on the Atlantic coast to serve at Trinity Dental Clinic in 2025.

Alan Nottage

Alan is our Operations Manager, working closely with Emma to keep the Cambridge building and IT systems functioning.

Hanneke Mfuni

Hanneke is our Finance Administrator, and she helps with end of month processing and other finance administration.

Cheryl Gibson

Cheryl serves our families as Family Advisor. She seeks to resource and support parents in educational issues, and offer pastoral care as they serve overseas. 

Sasha Tsymbrak

Sasha is our Mission Support Administrator. Her responsibilities include financial activities, administration, communications and enquiries.

Angeline Selvadass

Angeline works in Mobilisation Support and HR, which involves administrative tasks and carrying out HR related tasks.

Yoseph Mengistu

Yoseph is on the Board of Trustees. He works for SOAS University London as a lecturer, the LST as a visiting lecturer, and the London Project as a trainer.

Nigel Younge

Nigel is on the Board of Trustees. Now retired, Nigel previously worked as Director of Training at the Irish Baptist College.

Claire Newman

Claire is on the Board of Trustees. She works for Christians in Parliament, where she is involved with pastoral ministry and manages the events programme.

Carolyn Reid

Carolyn is part of the Board of Trustees. As a medical doctor, Carolyn has worked in UK hospital practice and across countries in Africa and Asia.

Bennett Chandran

Bennett is on the Board of Trustees. Born to missionary parents, Bennett moved to the UK after his biotechnology doctorate.

Ana Selby

Ana is on the Board of Trustees. During her career with the NHS, she was a Trust CEO. Following her retirement, she worked as Health Coordinator for SIM UK.

David Thompson

David is Co-chair of the Board of Trustees. He is a Chartered Accountant and has worked with many global public sector and charitable organisations.

Jonny Dyer

Jonny is Co-chair of the Board of Trustees. He recently returned to the north of England to take up the role of Vicar of Christ Church Fulwood.

Tim Walters

Tim is the Head of Finance at SIM UK. He manages our financial methods and systems, our new team, and gets the finances prepared for audit.

Lorna Bradley

Lorna is Executive Assistant to the SIM UK Leadership Team. Her work involves a range of administrative tasks and supporting the Leadership Team.

Alex Hawke

Alex is the Director of SIM UK. With a background in mission work, Alex works closely with the UK team to further God’s kingdom across the world.

Chris Griffin

Chris is our Family Advisor. She supports the children and families of missionaries that have been mobilised by Engage to work in the UK.

Phil Griffin

Phil is our Health Coordinator, ensuring outgoing workers are fit for ministry and dealing with health matters.

Christiane Fox

Christiane is SIM UK’s Missions Trainer. She oversees and develops the training that we provide our workers.

Linda Hunt

Linda is our prayer coordinator and she keeps everyone in the SIM UK community informed with regular prayer updates.

Jonny Beggs

Jonny is Head of Communications and Engagement. His team keep supporters up to date with our workers and ministries.

Kerry Allan

Kerry is our Writer and Editor. She coordinates our magazine and publishes regular articles and news updates for across our communication platforms.

Emma Launchbury

Emma is SIM UK’s Head of Operations. She oversees our systems and processes, HR, safeguarding, crisis management and more.

Hannah Penwright

Hannah is SIM UK’s Engagement Officer, helping to build relationships and connect with supporters, donors, churches and workers.

Martin and Juliet Thompson


Martin and Juliet, along with their children, are serving with SIM’s Sports Friends ministry in Thailand, which seeks to make disciples of Jesus Christ using sport.

Clive and Cath Barker

Clive and Cath Barker

Now based in the UK, Clive and Cath began their service in Pakistan in 1993. Clive serves as Regional Director for South Asia.

Iain, Mairi, Isaac, Elijah, Ariadne and Ezra Hepburn

Iain is looking forward to lecturing and developing programmes with the Namibian Evangelical Theological Seminary (NETS) in Windhoek.

Stephen and Heather

Retired GP Stephen and his wife Heather are serving as associate members in West Africa, where they help train health professionals in palliative care. Their…

Sarah Hopkins

Sarah is serving in South Africa using Creative Arts Therapy and trauma work to help people in a community full of gang crime, poverty and inequality.

Stephanie Walker

Stephanie Walker

Stephanie serves in Thailand, where she is the Third Culture Kid Coordinator, and Education and Outreach Worker for Hope for Life.

Geanne van Maanen

Geanne van Maanen

Geanne serves in South Africa through Melusi Christian Community, whose motto is ‘Serving Christ, serving others’. They glorify the Father by loving one another and caring for those who are in need and suffering.

Sarah Allen

Sarah serves in Bolivia, with children with disabilities and their families, providing support groups for parents, as well as free workshops for the kids themselves.

Esther Enwezor

Esther Enwezor

Esther is a nurse, currently serving in Ghana, looking after children in care that are from different religious backgrounds.

Ben and Sandeep Wildman

Ben works with Sports Friends International as the Director of Training. Sandeep is a Pharmacist Manager in a Private Hospital in the UK

Laurence and Lauren Wicks, Daniel, Isaac and Sophia

Wicks - Laurence & Lauren

Serving in Ethiopia, Laurence is a Consultant serving at CURE, a paediatric hospital and Lauren is Elementary Principal at Bingham Academy.

Matt and Lisa Wallis

Matt and Lisa and their three children Joshua, Charis and Lydia are being sent by Avenue Community Church, Leicester to serve in Jos, Nigeria.  Matt…

Simon and Ally Harrison

Simon and Ally, along with their children Samuel, Mia and Madeline, are serving in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Simon is using his medical skills to provide…

Lawrence and Elizabeth with Priscilla

Lawrence and Elizabeth

Lawrence and Elizabeth serve at Harper Church, Glasgow where their main focus is on sharing the love of Christ with African diaspora, refugees and asylum seekers.

Ram and Keshari

Ram and Keshari serve in Rochdale among refugees, asylum seekers and South Asian people groups.

Beth Jennings

Beth is the Mobiliser for Ireland, based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. She works with enquirers and churches.


Southeast Asia

C & J, with their two children, are sent by a church in Northern Ireland to work among one of the largest unreached groups in…

David and Maribel Easton

David, Maribel and their family are serving in a part of Mexico called the ‘circle of silence’,

Roland and Liesbeth

Roland and Liesbeth

Roland and Liesbeth are serving in West Africa among nomadic cattle herders.

Peter and Gillian


Peter, Gillian and family, currently residing in the UK serve with HowWillTheyHear and Quest Academy.

Mark, Helen & Lois Azzopardi

Mark and Helen serve with SIM Ecuador in Loja one of the least reached areas of Ecuador located in the southern mountain region.

David, Helen, Daniel and Amy

This family live and work in a multi-cultural area of a northern city in the UK. They’re involved with a new church plant, where they’re focused on building relationships and engaging with the local community.

Naomi Jones

Naomi Jones


Naomi is the Alumni Worker at SIM UK, caring for our mission workers when they return from the field.

Donald and Ruth Garvie

Donald and Ruth have served in Nigeria since 2013. Donald serves at JETS, a Bible school. Ruth serves the SIM team in personnel and is also involved in educational support at City Ministries, a centre for orphans and vulnerable children.

Angus Reid

Angus serves as Mobiliser for London and the South East, working with enquirers, churches and workers.

June Beveridge

June is our Scottish mobiliser and our Safeguarding Lead, working with enquirers and churches to help mission workers get to where God calls them.

Megumi & Helen Fazakerley

Why We ServeComing from very different backgrounds (Megumi born in Japan and Helen in Malawi), we were led very differently to mission. Helen felt God…

Mary Haile

Meron (Mary) is sent by Eastridge church, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Through SIM’s Engage programme, she works alongside Inspire Saint James, based in central London.

Tim McMahon

Tim is involved in mission training in Russia and the UK. He is sent by Danbury Mission Evangelical Church in Essex.

Janetta Fokkema


Janetta manages the SIM guesthouse in Cochabamba, and also serves in a children’s home and an organisation that produces Sunday school resources.

Donald and Becky Kamese, Ben, Elliot & Ethan

Donald and Becky Kamese

Donald and Becky serve with their family in central Mexico, helping train up local church planters to see lives changes and communities transformed by the gospel.

Ted and Rachel Watts

Ted and Rachel Watts

Ted and Rachel Watts, with their two boys are sent by Beeston Free Evangelical Church to work in Madagascar, at the Good News Hospital of Mandritsara.

Pam Boothman

Pam works in the Upper East Region of Ghana, where she encourages local churches with children’s work.

Steven and Jo Wheatley


Steven and Jo Wheatley, supported by St Mary’s Church, Maidenhead, are currently serving in Nanjoka, Malawi.

Lizzie White

Lizzie White is from Barnabas Community Church, Shrewsbury. She has been serving in Peru and partnering with a local organisation called Aidia, focusing on rural development.

Penny Bakewell


Sent by Holy Trinity Church in Norwich, Penny is SIM Ghana Director and leads the multi-cultural team there.

Nicky Brand

Nicky is a key member of the City Ministries team in Nigeria, where she works with orphans and vulnerable children.

Ruth Guinness

Ruth Guinness

Ruth Guinness serves as Ministry Point Person for Theological and Missiological Education for SIM International. She also supports a small team of missionaries involved in theological education in Malawi.

Claire Robinson

Claire Robinson has been working with Serving In Mission since 2010 and is now head teacher at Mukinge Hill Academy in Zambia.

Jonny and Olga Anderson, Joel, Joanna and Jonah

Jonny and Olga serve in the new Quechua communities on the edge of the city of Sucre in Bolivia.

Andrew and Helen Curry

Curry family

Andrew and Helen Curry, Thomas and Esther, supported by St Luke’s Church Hampstead are serving in West Africa. Andrew works with university students whilst Helen serves at a medical clinic.

Tim and Rachel Nunn, Matthew, Rebekah and Joel

Nunn Family 2023 L

Tim and Rachel are both doctors serving in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. Tim is a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon, Medical Director at CURE Children’s Hospital of Ethiopia, and runs the PAACS orthopaedic training programme in Ethiopia. Rachel trains GPs at Addis Ababa University, and supports healthcare workers to integrate their faith and work.

Somchai and Catherine Tongkao

Cat and Somchai serve with SIM’s Sports Friends ministry, which seeks to make disciples of Jesus Christ using the powerful platform of sport.

Ron and Irma Kock, Danielle and Emily

Ron and Irma are working to disciple church pastors in South Africa. Ron teaches at two Bible schools and Irma leads Bible study groups.

Tim Barrow

Tim is our Engage Coordinator, helping bring cross-cultural workers into UK churches from overseas.

Samuel Boadi

Samuel is a doctor and bio-medical scientist, who works short-term in Galmi Hospital, Niger. He is supported by Gracemead Church, Hatfield.

Emma Brewster

Emma runs the university outreach programme for SIM worldwide from her base in South Africa. Sent by Trinity Church, Exeter, she lives in Cape Town and is developing opportunities for people to serve in a wide range of university ministries.

Darren and Ruthie Campbell, Abigail and Isaac

Campbell family

Darren plays a vital role in the smooth running of Serving In Mission, by acting as Finance Director. Ruthie’s role involves encouraging and equipping prayer coordinators across the SIM world. The family, who are supported by Cheam Baptist Church, are based in Charlotte, North Carolina.

David and Debbie Colvin

David and Debbie Colvin

David and Debbie Colvin worked in Africa for many years, but are now based in Northern Ireland. They both teach mission courses at the Irish Baptist College and lead various informal Bible studies.

Victor and Rachel Fredlund

Victor and Rachel are long-term mission workers in Mseleni, South Africa. Victor is a doctor at the local hospital, while Rachel runs an orphanage and children’s home.

Paul and Hilary Gunning

Paul and Hilary serve in Windhoek, where Paul teaches at Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary and Hilary teaches at a local school whenever she gets the opportunity.

Bev Howell


Sent by New Life Bible Church in Wealdstone, Bev is Personnel Coordinator for the SIM Ghana team, based in Accra.

John and Abi Hunt

Sent by Long Crendon Baptist Church in Aylesbury, John and Abi Hunt have been serving in Jos, Nigeria for many years. They are involved in Bible teaching and literacy work.

Peter and Claire-Lise Judkins, Keziah and Naomi

Judkins family

Peter and Claire-Lise are serving in Paris, France where Peter is in leadership at Église Protestante Baptiste Du Val D’Europe and Claire-Lise is a midwife.

Walter and Ella Madimutsa

Watler and Ella are part of a small Serving In Mission team in Zimbabwe.

Michelle Proctor

Michelle serves at Mukinge Hospital, Zambia where she is an anaesthetist and takes responsibility for Serving In Mission’s Zambian member care.

Debbie Simpson


Sent by Kells Presbyterian Church in Northern Ireland, Debbie serves in Madagascar in the ‘Together in Bible Translation’ project currently based in Toliara, a town in the southeast of the country.

Yvonne Mildred

Yvonne is serving in northern Ghana, where she is involved in helping Christian business people put the gospel into practice in their daily lives.

Jim and Megan Patterson

Jim and Megan

Jim and Megan served abroad for many years but are now based in Scotland. Jim is involved in training pastors in Benin, while Megan is SIM’s point person for education.

Andrew and family

Baobab tree with an elephant

Sent by churches across the UK, Andrew and his family are involved in a wide variety of ministries in West Africa from Bible translation to strengthening groups of local Christians.

Mark Gibson


Mark is part of our mobilisation team and supports ministry in West Africa. He also engages the next generation by visiting Christian Unions.

Graham and Trudy Brown

Graham and Trudy Brown

Graham is the Deputy Finance Director for SIM UK and treasurer for SIM Switzerland, whilst Trudy is working remotely for as SIM Ghana treasurer.

Tom and Jemma Fifield, Ellie May and Mim


Tom and Jemma are both teachers at Bingham Academy,, Ethiopia. They have always wanted to share their faith through their work but found that impossible in the UK – they both see it as a huge joy that they are able to do that at Bingham.

Hannah Boxall

Hannah is Mobilisation Team Leader and Mobiliser for central and south-west England, working with our mobilisers as they help mission workers into the field.

Helen Heron

Helen, International Personnel Director

Helen serves as the Personnel Director in the International Leadership Team and the International Operations Teams of SIM.

Malcolm and Liz McGregor

Malcolm is a former UK and International Director of SIM. They now support SIM leaders around the world and also have a role with Langham Partnership.

Liffy Gorton

Liffy is serving in Zimbabwe, working primarily with the Talitha Cumi project (SIM project: 96397).  Talitha Cumi works in the Chimanimani district to identify girls who have dropped out of school due to poverty, bereavement, cultural customs, pregnancy or a host of other reasons.

Simon and Grace Stretton-Downes

Simon leads the dental team at a clinic at the Eternal Love Winning All (ELWA) Hospital in Monrovia. Grace is a nurse and supports medical staff and patients at the same hospital. The couple are sent by St Gregory’s Church, Crakehall, north Yorkshire.

Al and Rachel MacInnes, Charis and Lois

MacInnes family

Al and Rachel serve in Greece with their family. After a period of language study Al will work with European Christian Mission (ECM) as Country Coordinator and Rachel serves as Lead Mobiliser for the HowWillTheyHear refugee ministry collaboration.